Royal Derby midwife-led

Following on from the recent consultant-led post, what have your experiences been of midwife-led care at RDH? I’d love to have an intervention-free water birth but don’t know anyone who hasn’t been induced/had a c-section/forceps delivery in the end.
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I gave birth at royal Derby midwife led and had a medication free, 0 intervention birth and was let home 6 hours after I delivered. I had an amazing experience, everyone was lovely was only asked if I wanted pain relief once and once I said no it wasn’t mentioned again even though I was quite loud during labour. Unfortunately a lot of people do need intervention whether they think they do or not and they are trained to know if you do and I will take the steps to make sure you and baby are okay.

@Morgan that’s great to know, thank you! Was that recently?

It was a week ago today

I gave birth in the birthing centre at RDH in 2023. I was offered a water birth as a pool was free but I declined and just had gas & air and pethidine 😌 My midwife was incredible, I had to stay in for a couple of days but everyone was amazing

I had an intervention free natural birth their input was minimal - seemed to follow by birth plan well 😊

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