I had a meeting with a potential pre-k program for a public school and they go outside 25 degrees and above. I thought that was a bit much because 25 is below freezing LOL. As a kid though, we were always outside bundled up!
we would go sledding on the big hills outside & make jumps so could go flying lol fun times
These are two separate issues… we absolutely went out all the time in snow, built snow forts during recess, etc. The snow stayed on the ground for months, we couldn’t not go out. But we DID have cold advisory days where we’d have to be inside due to windchill, and occasionally even had snow days (days off of school) for cold weather. That being said, 30 Fahrenheit is not cold.
I grew up in CT and I don’t remember ever going outside for recess if it was cold. There was always an alternate location, like the gym or something. But I grew up in a relatively hilly area so if the buses weren’t able to safely pick up the kids, school would be canceled. So often if snow was on the ground we were home for the really cold days.
We live in NY and are in a high snow area. My daughter’s pre-K asked for snow pants and warm gear and they haven’t been out all season. But, they switched teachers after Christmas and I think the new teacher just doesn’t want to take the kids out. Some of the other classes have been outside because sometimes I see them playing outside before dismissal. My personal threshold for the kids to play outside is 30F and not windy. But, I also think some kids don’t have the winter gear that they need to be outside for any length of time. And they may be staying inside for that reason as well.
unless it was literally -30 we always went out 😂
Growing up in Pennsylvania, we rarely ever had snow days from school. I didn’t even know that was a thing until we moved to the south. Since it rarely snows here, when it does they basically shut everything down lol
We say "There is no bad weather, only bad clothing" here in Sweden 😅 Playing in the snow is super fun for kids!
Canadian here. We DEFINITELY played outside in the snow. However, we were also well-used to cold weather. We are built for it and have the equipment and clothing to handle it. I could see a southern area being concerned about kids going outside if, say, most of the kids in that area don't even have a proper rated snowsuit. We did have cold advisory days but they had to be pretty much below -40 (C). I even remember days at -35 where recess wasn't cancelled, there were just very few kids actually outside or at school in the first place.
I’m in the mid Atlantic so obviously not as cold as some places. It’s state regulation for both schools and daycares, I believe. The temp has to feel like at least 32 for kids to go outside. We definitely follow that where I teach and I see the same guidelines posted at our son’s daycare.
From Finland. The only rule we had was that if it was colder than -15 Celsius, we didn't have to go skiing in PE. But other than that, always went outside.
Grew up in jersey and no we didn't. If it was actively snowing we played in the gym. If it wasn't snowing but there was snow on the ground then yes we did play out in the school yard. If we didn't have proper clothing then we couldn't. For high-school it was the same.
I remember when it was -46 Celsius, nothing stopped. It just hurt to breathe the raw air, so we breathed through a scarf.
We went outside for recess no matter what, I remember having to put on my snow pants and boots beforehand in the hallway lol
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Yup! Sure do. I don’t remember ever having a snow day and we always went outside and I waited for the bus in the morning in 0 degree weather
Yes. At one point you were only allowed out if you had snow pants but I didn’t have snow pants and sometimes they would let me outside too.
I remember we went outside if it was above 20° I’m in Ohio and 26 years old lol