@Emilythat’s amazing! Wow. How did you start? Do you just put her on the potty at certain times throughout the day? I’m so nervous about it all haha X
Mine hasn’t yet, but I would say your little one is showing signs of being ready for potty training!
That's a wonderful sign!! He may be ready then. I recommend you read the "Oh crap!" training manual, it goes into detail about this. (I used this method with my elder child and trained her in 5 days).
Awww what a clever girl! This is so helpful thank you so much! x
I've been wondering whether to start potty training as my son has started showing signs. but you really have a clever lo if she's doing a wee and poo now!
Yep she now poops on the toilet everyday and we leave the room while she poops and sit outside and she lets us know when she's done 😅 we've been doing this for over a month now and she's done poos everyday on the toilet. I was also told it's a good sign that they're ready to start being introduced to the toilet then x