Rough nights

Hi ladies Not sure what I'm looking for here whether advice or just recognition that it will get better 😰 Baby has been doing 4/5 wakeups a night for some time and some nights even more!! He's EBF and I'm struggling. My husband does take some of the wakeups but he's sick atm so unable to do so. I'm also pretty down in the dumps cause I've been spiralling out about 1. I thought his sleep would be better by now 2. Am I doing something wrong? I feed to sleep cause it's easy for us but have I created a dependency? 3. How on earth will we ever have baby 2 (later obvs lol) when I'm too tired to even try! 4. How would I even look after baby 2 when baby 1 is here?!? As u can see my mind is pretty low atm. Anyone feeling the same or got any words of wisdom? Also any ladies have baby 1 who was tough but then baby 2 was a dream? I need some hope here haha
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My girls sleep was rough for about 3/4 weeks talking hourly wakes at it's worst, it's this week improved so much. Just stick with your routine. We get her to bed for 7/8pm we haven't changed anything recently and as I say two weeks ago it was hell and now it's much better. So assuming it was a leap/teeth or development stuff. We are also ebf. In terms of baby number 2 that's not my plan so can't help there!

I can relate a lot to this post. Our LO just turned 7 months last week and also has minimum 3 wake ups a night plus a feed. I’m also starting to feel really overwhelmed by the thought of nothing improving and had a little cry last night. Sometimes I come to terms with the fact that this is his temperament but sometimes it really gets me down especially when I thought it would’ve really improved by now. He has also become really clingy and miserable during the day and I wonder what happened to my happy baby. I’m guessing it’s just a phase or teething. Don’t have any advice but hope it gets better for us soon ♥️

My first was an absolute dream and my second is a terrible sleeper. So not the way around you’re asking for, but really I’m trying to say they are all different. I know so many people who had a terrible sleeper first and then their second was a dream - it does tend to be that way around I think 🤣 Even my friends who had the worst sleepers have found that they’ve settled down by now and are sleeping well (2.5-3ish - I appreciate this feels a million miles off right now when your baby is 7/8 months old… but what I’m trying to say is that baby WILL sleep better and in plenty of time for you to go for baby number 2!)

The only thing that helped us was co-sleeping! I no longer look at the clock and barely wake when bubs feeds. Sometimes still get the odd bad night when she wants to practice skills or trying new food sometimes gives a bad tummy but on the whole it’s much better for us. I now really enjoy sleeping together, it feels very natural. Understand it’s not for everyone though x

@Gunes once again your baby’s birthday twin is exactly the same! She started waking for 1 feed once she hit 6 months which was fine even though she dropped them months ago. But since hitting 7 months 🤯 She is waking up constantly! She will only go back to sleep on me. She is being super grumpy in the day time and I’m just not used to it 🙈 She already has 2 teeth so maybe her tops ones are coming too but I honestly have no idea and am just hoping it passes soon 😅

@Liv I co-sleep too but even that isn’t enough for my girl at the moment 😅 she wants to be ON me to sleep otherwise she is crying 😩 We did have nights where it was her tummy waking her but for the past 3 nights I don’t think it was. I even gave her calpol last night which I never do and even that didn’t do anything 😅I’m hoping it will pass quickly and we go back to sleeping through which she did from 7 weeks to 6 months 🙈😂

Thank you so much ladies for taking the time out to type out responses, really helpful to know I'm not in this alone Been having a really low patch atm and wishing I was enjoying it more but the lack of solid sleep at night is really affecting me! Hoping it gets easier for us all x

I feel like it’s just a constant up and down with babies sleep, our boy was waking up SO much from 5-7 months and it only got better when we did very gentle sleep training (chair method where you just lay next to them but let them put themselves to sleep) then he got poorly and is teething so it went to shit again 🤣 but getting back on track again! If you’re feeding to sleep, when they transition into sleep cycles and wake up they need that same thing again so the ideal is to teach them to fall asleep without you, feeding, rocking etc but easier said than done! Some babies are just bad sleepers no what you do and it could be overtired, under tired, too short wake window before bed, too long wake windows, haven’t eaten enough, they’re hot, they’re cold, it’s too light, teething, they’re poorly, - it could be anything so I’ve given up trying now 🤣 all we can do is take every day as it comes and know it won’t last forever & sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to just survive!

@Cass I've been interested in trying the chair method out - how was your experience if you don't mind me asking? I can so tell that baby is dependent on feeding to sleep as within 5 mins he's usually asleep again so it's not hunger it's just a sleep association

@Lauryn Yes ☺️ exactly the same thing here and I’m really not used to it either! Mine doesn’t have any teeth so I’m hoping that’s the cause and once they come through I will get some rest and my happy baby back.

@Gunes she slept through last night! 🥳 she wasn’t due for bed for another hour but didn’t want to be awake so I let her go to sleep early and she woke 2 or 3 times for her dummy early on but then she slept so in total she got nearly 12 hours and she is in a much better mood so far today (although she has a snotty nose) so I’m hoping we might be through the worst of it now. Hope you manage to get some rest soon too ❤️

So, the first night he cried for about 20 minutes which was really difficult but I just sat next to him in his crib and was like saying shhhh, mums here etc - every now and then, the next night he cried for 5 minutes, the next night 2 minutes, then it was nothing - the progress was SO quick. During naps he’d only sleep if I rocked him so I started not rocking him but just holding him and he cried 15 mins the first time, then 5 minutes the next day, then a couple of minutes I am impressed with how quick the progress was. It’s that first time when they usually cry the longest that’s the hardest to get through but once you get past that first time and see that they did put the self to sleep it gets easier! I can’t do Ferber because the thought of him crying alone breaks my heart but I know I’m right there next to him!

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