Nope. It's rated Teen for a reason. I don't trust it or the people on it. Even with the most restrictive controls I was creeped out by some of the games he could access.
I wouldn’t. I wish my husband hadn’t introduced it to my 7 y/o.
when my 7 year old wanna play it , i let her . i just watch what she play , nothing to scary nothing to grown . she don’t have a mic to talk to anybody because grown men be tryna meet kids on there and she don’t even play it for a long time she’ll get tired of it .
Me and my husband don't let our kids play it anymore. They did for awhile until they started talking about self harm and such. Also there's been more and more stories coming out about pedophiles lurking on there, and showing up and the kids house. I wouldn't trust it
I let my daughter play but I have parental controls on it. But if I could go back I probably wouldn't have let her start. So if you haven't yet I'd wait
Thank you for the input. Now I'm concerned that my 12 year old plays on her phone. (Was downloaded at her dad's house) Definitely looking into parental controls or just telling her sorry we are getting rid of that.
Always prepare yourself and monitor your kid, also, I would do as the ladies recommended and use restriction. You can play with your child on the game also, making your own account on your phone!! 😊 You all have fun!!! 🤩
Roblox is a NO for us. Thanks god my husband and I am in the same page on the online gaming topic.
No I don’t. I let him and other people had inappropriate conversations
My 8 year old plays but doesn't have access to chats or the mic.
My 7yo SS used to play when he lived with his mom but ever since we got him full time we cut it out because there are games that are dangerously suggestive and have cursing. Plus Ive heard too many horror stories of the chats and things like that.
I thought my 8yo was mature enough to. I had parental restrictions, supervising only, and went over safety rules an insane amount. I’ve recently banned it in our house. I hate that I ever allowed it. People would say insane things in chat, messages, that my 8yo would repeat or find funny not realizing what they were saying and me trying to explain why it’s bad made them want to repeat it more, they would end up temporarily banned and have a fit. A lot of stress for nothing. I also think it’s addictive because they didn’t even play much, maybe 2-5 hours in a week and it’s ALL they would talk about and ask for nonstop.
Nope 🙅🏻♀️
Yes but we are starting to be more strict about it. We also have parental controls on it
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I did and then I stopped I had all the parental restrictions on but they can still do this bubble chat thingy in game and say mean and inappropriate things
My daughter is 7. And I let her play but I def monitor what she does. And the parental restrictions help a lot
I let my 7 year old play but I disabled the chat feature and set the parental restrictions. I also play with him with my account.
That's a hard no for me. My boys are 12 and 8 and Roblox has red light districts and strip clubs.. so no
No I do not let my kids play any video games. It’s too addictive to young minds. It’s overstimulating and causes their ability to focus to decrease. Often kids who play video games will have trouble in school, complaining of boredom and frustration. It’s better for kids to read books, play outside, do crafts, play with legos, sports, socialize with friends and watch a movie with the family. Screen time should be very limited and only learning games, writing programs and weekly family activities like just dance or Wii fit. You make the rules. It’s the same with junk food, why feed them crap and get them addicted to garbage that rots their health when you could be giving them the building blocks for a lifetime of proper nutrition? Healthy food tastes better.
My 6, 8, and 12 year old play it a lot. They have parental controls. They know if they message anyone they don’t know it will be taken away permanently. They have no mic. They only play with family and classmates. It’s a fun way for them to communicate and play electronically with other friends and stay in contact. We’ve had no problems and love it.
My kid and I have open communication. She knows right and wrong . I allow her to play . Her friends have parents who are engineers, attorneys and police officers and they all allow their kids to play . When my kid sees something that is wrong she automatically blocks .
My whole house plays. They know what to avoid and also you can set restrictions. Usually they are playing in front of me. Like Roblox all my son plays is Brookhaven. They don’t talk to anyone.
My kids are 8 and 6 and I don't allow roblox in my house. I heard to many horror stories about it tbh. My kids beg but I stand my ground. I don't and won't ever let them
I let mine play. They're 12,11,7&6 they're blocked from certain things simple from their age on the app and then I have an account too and play with them. Be prepared to have an internet safety conversation and for the endless " can I get robux" 😂 it's a lot of fun to play together 🥰
I let mine play, but make sure to set parental restrictions. I had strangers messaging them inappropriate things. Had to remove it for a while and set restrictions.