Colostrum and contractions?

I’ve been seeing that people have been getting contractions while collecting colostrum and I literally don’t get any 🤣 is that normal? I’ve collected 4ml today after my bath and had 0 contractions while doing it and after? I’m 38 weeks
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I've been collecting since 37 1/2 weeks. I haven't felt any contractions during or after 😊 it's all normal. If anything, it would be Braxton Hicks and the general consensus is that you would stop and call your midwife if you experience anything stronger or painful.

Same I have collected a handful of times and nothing. Doctor even confirmed yesterday that my cervix is still sticking high, tight and thick.

Wouldn’t say it’s contractions, baby moves a lot when expressing - I read it’s because there’s oxytocin being released

Okay, thought I was doing it wrong or my body just wasn’t understanding what it’s doing haha. Glad to hear use are experiencing the same x

I’ve been actually trying to induce labour and it’s not working 🤣💀 just desperate to avoid sweep/pessary and get my VBAC, if I go too far I’ll be recommended csec again 😮‍💨

I've been expressing twice a day for just over a week and not had any contractions whilst expressing

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