Working and nursery

Hi first time mum here. Has anyone started working yet? If not how are planning to go back to work? If yes, how many days are you working and managing childcare? I am currently on 4 day working contract ( dropped a day since coming back post mat leave) but only doing 3 days atm as I have annual leave to use until April. Baby goes nursery on Monday and hubby looks after him Tuesday/weds. Thursdays is annual leave and Fridays is non working day. By May, I will have ran out of annual leave so will need to work Thursday as well but I don’t have childcare, I am not sure how easy it is to work from home with a 9 month old. It’s annoying the free hours dont kick in yet until September. My only other option is to spend extra day in nursery which is another £320 a month!! 😭
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Not back till August but I’ll be going back full time and both babies (I had 2 under 2) will be in nursery full time! I’m taking the 28 days that accrued on mat leave to take 28 Fridays off instead of extending mat leave same as I did last time. So nice to have those days to myself for a while. It is ridiculous the cost - we don’t qualify for any funding and my toddler’s nursery is about 1650/month and baby’s will be about 2000/month. We’re really fortunate to be able to afford it but can’t wait till the eldest is in school!

Not back til July but I've dropped roughly a day and a half so I'm working 3 full days with extra hours added on top and 5 hours on a Monday. Baby's going to a childminders every day except the day I am off. Also annoyed the free days don't kick in until September but I'm just going to use savings til then which isn't ideal but it is what it is 😔

Back to work in April, our LG will be 3 days at childminder, 1 day with my husband so I can work 4 days and look after her 3 days. Just need to manage until free hours 🙌

I'm not back until September (using holiday to extend). I'll be doing 3 days, as I did before. 2 days nursery, 1 day with my parents. I work Sunday- Tues one week and Monday- Wednesday the next. Hubby will be on charge on the Sundays

I go back in a couple of months & baby will be at nursery 3.5 days a week with family having her the other 1.5 days. It’s going to be £1.2k a month until the free hours in September but it is what it is 😭 x

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