Not back til July but I've dropped roughly a day and a half so I'm working 3 full days with extra hours added on top and 5 hours on a Monday. Baby's going to a childminders every day except the day I am off. Also annoyed the free days don't kick in until September but I'm just going to use savings til then which isn't ideal but it is what it is 😔
Back to work in April, our LG will be 3 days at childminder, 1 day with my husband so I can work 4 days and look after her 3 days. Just need to manage until free hours 🙌
I'm not back until September (using holiday to extend). I'll be doing 3 days, as I did before. 2 days nursery, 1 day with my parents. I work Sunday- Tues one week and Monday- Wednesday the next. Hubby will be on charge on the Sundays
I go back in a couple of months & baby will be at nursery 3.5 days a week with family having her the other 1.5 days. It’s going to be £1.2k a month until the free hours in September but it is what it is 😭 x
Not back till August but I’ll be going back full time and both babies (I had 2 under 2) will be in nursery full time! I’m taking the 28 days that accrued on mat leave to take 28 Fridays off instead of extending mat leave same as I did last time. So nice to have those days to myself for a while. It is ridiculous the cost - we don’t qualify for any funding and my toddler’s nursery is about 1650/month and baby’s will be about 2000/month. We’re really fortunate to be able to afford it but can’t wait till the eldest is in school!