Take the baby classes. Read information, watch videos but most of all express these feelings to your provider. I was absolutely terrified of everything. The thought of IVS and hospitals had me in tears many times. Once I finally expressed these fears to my midwife team it was like a weight was off my shoulders. I did end up with a csection which was my first ever surgery / IV etc and absolutely not the home birth I was planning for.. but it really helped me having a team (and supportive partner) around me that knew my fears from the get go so through every step they could help me.
I think everyone is terrified of labour as at first we don't know what to expect. Labour pains are the worst by far so the actually pushing is sore but your pushing because you no longer want to feel the contractions, you won't even think that your scared becahse you'll be to busy with the pain and so many other things going on too, the head and shoulders are the worst part to push but once it's over you'll have your lovely baby in your arms. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and I haven't given birth in 14yrs so it's all new to me too xx
There are also a lot of exercises you can do to help prepare your body for labor. You should be able to easily look them online. I used the FitOn app - even their free content includes a lot of prenatal safe work out routines.
The contractions are the worst about labour I think, them things come and go and then get stronger and stronger and come non stop 1 starts and finishes then another comes and it's constantly like that until baby is born... the pushing is like basically " please get out of me to stop this pain" your brain won't be thinking of anything eles othet than this...
hmm, I totally get that, watching those videos can be super intense, but maybe just focus on staying healthy and maybe look into some prenatal classes or breathing techniques to help you feel more prepared! I actually checked the 'Heal Baby Care App' for this and here's what it says: "It's completely normal to feel anxious about labor, especially when you're seeing various experiences. Preparing for a natural birth can involve several steps: consider taking childbirth education classes to learn about the process and pain management techniques, and practice relaxation and breathing exercises. Staying active with gentle exercises, like walking or prenatal yoga, can also help strengthen your body for labor.
I was terrified of labor with my first. I started watching positive birth stories on social media so I sort of started to understand what to expect. For some reason when I got to the hospital while in active labor all fear went out the window. But I think my major fear was having the epidural and being pressured to do a c-section. When I got to the hospital I was a few hours into my labor and already 6 cm dilated so the epidural was out of the question. After I put my mind into what was happening. My body just sort of took over. My mom taught me how to push and I gave birth naturally to my beautiful boy.
I will tell you this one bit if advice from a first time mum with an 8 month old currently and mumma hates pain. Your body will know what to do. I was always thinking how do I push? Is it like a poo push or ...? And I tell you now. My body and soul just did it. You've got this. You were born to give birth, you're safe. Your body knows you more than you. It'll come to you. I did it all on just gas and air (but at the time I was screaming for the epidural) hahaha. But just breathe and push on through. What an amazing experience to be pregnant then push that little one out and hug them. I wish you all the best mumma. Trust your body. ❤️
do core and pelvic floor exercises, those muscles are so important during labor. i’d also recommend prenatal yoga, anything to prepare and strengthen your body, open up your hips and pelvis. try not to let the fear overcome you. positive birth affirmations and reading/listening to positive birth stories helped me a lot. it’s really not as scary as it seems if your mind is in the right place and prepared for it. remember all the women who have done it, if they can then you can absolutely do it too! it hurts but the pain is temporary. once you’re in labor the fear really does melt away and you’ll feel determined and excited to meet your baby
I went through the same exact thing!! This is normal try to stay calm ☺️ you’ll be okay!!
On YouTube, pregnancy and postpartum TV exercises are really helpful. In general I focused on doing mobility exercises anywhere from 3-5x per week. I was very tiny too but it's wild how much your hips open over pregnancy to prep. My little one is two weeks old and I already forget the worst pain of labor and am just so beyond happy my baby is earth side. You've got this 🙏 oh also on YouTube pregnancy/ labor affirmations are great
I was quite terrified of birth when I first got pregnant. But the more informed I’ve got the better I feel. I have signed up for Pop That Mumma’s birth box which is a hypnobirthing course. Finding it so informative and positive. Would recommend something like this to help you feel more clued up about everything. Hope this helps