So I've been having to do this as baby has been in hospital for first 2.5 weeks. My advice is pump every other feed...sometimes I do more. You will feel tired. I maybe pump once in the night if I have the energy. Use formula when you haven't got the energy. Saying all this we are due to be discharged tomorrow and I think it will be a whole different ball came when trying to time it around another child and actually going out in the days. Also, I have had no housework or bits to do so that will also be another challenge. Be kind to yourself x
@Rebecca I feel you and here in solidarity! We can do this ❤️
@Amy sorry to hear your little one has been in hospital, I hope they're doing ok ❤️ yes that's great advice and I think what is going to be more realistic than every feed! Thanks lovely and hope all goes well when you head home tomorrow x
Wearable pumps so you can do things and pump Friends and family poping in even just once a week for an hour or two even just for company bonus point if they help do things let you nap ect
@Julia thank you! I tried a wearable pump but it didn't collect well for me at all 😩
@Savanna you will have probably done this but incase not I found for mine you have to have your bra at the right tightness To tight ducts get blocked and can’t empty To loose it doesn’t “latch” you loose suction And has to be assembled securely all clicked and poped in place I also found playing with setting helped finding the sweet spot for comfort and collection Flanges and inserts the right size I had to order the size in as the standard ones where no good Full charge I get about 5 pumps per charge from mine but the last 2 are a bit crap
@Julia great thank you for the tips! 🙂
With my eldest I exclusively pumped for four months and it was hard work but doable. I used a wearable pump and would wash it every other feed, would put it in the fridge every other feed. I'd prep bottles the night before and then feed and burp baby while pumping. When the pump was done, I'd put the milk into bags and into the fridge while carrying her then we'd both have a quick nap.
Wearable pumps deffo help! I was super anxious for my partner to go back to work too, I have 2 under 2 and am doing a mixture of pumping and BF and I was freaking out about how to fit all this in, and change both the kids nappies, keep the older one entertained while I'm trying to feed etc. but it somehow does work out, just take it day by day, do whatever is easier for you to get through the days, you'll figure out what works for you and your family 🤗. Its not easy but you can do this, fed is best so just do what you are comfortable with and works! You could always do more formula during the day and then pump in the evenings when your partner gets home? Your body adjusts to your pumping needs x
@Chloe sounds like you are smashing it! That's helpful thank you lovely x
@Savanna oh no it's really just survival mode haha but I did learn from the first time round that all this is temporary and life does get better, one day you leave the house with your child and it's just normal. Im just trying to remember that this time, everything sorts itself out but we just have to take it day by day so we don't get overwhelmed. The first three months are just figuring stuff out and that's ok 🤗 its all new!
@Chloe thank you! ❤️
I’m in a similar position my partner goes back to work on Monday and I’m so nervous. We have been looking after her in shifts so we both get a solid uninterrupted sleep. But when he goes back to work we won’t be doing that anymore. So I’ll be do all the feeds during the week 🙈 she currently wakes up 2/3 hours for a bottle. Don’t know how I’m going to manage with the lack of sleep.