Either feed to sleep or put him in his pram, he's never been one to nap independently but I think that's pretty common at 6 months ☺️
Feed to sleep or stick her in what we call baby prison (a baby carrier facing me with a thick blanket over her) and walk around. Out like a light every time
Varies here, some naps are independent, some are in the car/pram, some are contact/co-sleeping naps
Feed to sleep mostly otherwise on my back and he falls asleep fairly quickly
I try put her down to sleep independently as soon as I notice tiredness cues. If that fails then I rock her to sleep and then put her down. If that fails then I take her out in the pram for a walk and that usually does it!
Feed or rock with music depending on her mood depends what music we play
I feed to sleep but if that didn’t work I can rock to sleep or car drive if I’m super desperate!