
My daughter is in nursery 3hrs per day and the past 2 weeks or so she's had a child hurt her( nose-made her nose bleed a little) and kicked her in the head... my partner does the drop off and pick up 3times a week and I do 2.... and today he told me a kid kicked her.head and was swollen a little and me being a mum I asked him did he ask which child it was so could tell the teachers 2 keep tht child away from my daughter but he didn't ask... would u call up and ask or just let the teachers deal with it
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They won’t be able to tell you which child it is, it breaches data protection and safeguarding for the child.

I would call and just make them aware of it. Hope she’s okay 🥺 How did he find out that another child hurt your daughter? I’m assuming the nursery told him so they must be aware?

How do you expect a nursery to do that? Also, kids play rough sometimes. And how do you know it wasn’t an accident. To jump to ‘keep that child away from my child’ from one incident between them is so dramatic. What if your child kicks somebody in the head and the other parents tell the staff to keep your child away from theirs? Honestly just get over it. It’s going to be a rough ride as a parent if you can’t get over a few minor incidents in a childcare facility where they have so many running round. Heaven forbid you ever go to a park or soft play 🙄

I’d definitely talk to the teachers next time you drop her off? I know kids can be rough/playful/a lot of tantrums/emotions but she shouldn’t be coming home with her head kicked or nose bleeding! I’d be horrified if that was my little one😮

ring up and speak to them to find out what happened it will make you feel better it might have been an accident when little ones played/fell over etc , hope ur little one ok xx

@Jess yes ik kids play rough sometimes but I dnt want 2 be taking my daughter 2 a&e every week just coz teachers couldn't keep a look out and they have mre then 3 teachers there so it's not like it's just 1.. if my daughter did tht then i would do exactly what any parent should do set some boundaries and bring them up not to do it... and for yr opinion I do take my daughter 2 the park and soft play and she knws 2 be nice to others unlike other kids...even if i knew which kids did it wouldn't b going to them and shouting at them as if they my kids

At my daughters nursery if something happens where she gets hurt they call me when it's happened to let me know, then at pick up I need to sign an accident form and I get a report of the issue. If she was harmed by another child they don't name the child due to safe guarding, although Maisie always tells me who it was 😂I'd definitely call nursery and bring up your concerns. They have a duty of care to protect your child where possible and if it's the same child causing harm then there are safeguarding procedures that they will be able to put in place. These things may be accidents and accidents do happen, especially with lots of kids running round, but you should still be informed and that should help put your mind at ease. Hope she is okay xx

Yh thts the thing they haven't bothered to call to say and yh she's OK she's bit grumpy since tho

I don’t think the issue is with the child that kicked your child - the issue is the way the nursery has handled it. You should have been made formally aware, signed an incident form and been advised of the plan going forwards to stop it happening again. I would speak to the nursery on Monday.

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