Bestfriends? IDK

My boy is just over 3 months & my bestfriends of YEARS still haven’t met him. They say they can’t wait but have made no effort to meet him & don’t exactly ask how we/him. Am i being weird because it’s annoyed/upset me that they’ve made no effort? I’m at a stage where i just cannot be arsed with people anymore. CYA
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Maybe they are trying to give you space in the newborn bubble, 3 months does seem a little long but have you asked them to see you? Possibly just waiting for you to arrange it so they know you’re ready as it can be overwhelming :)

@Ellie maybe. Our other friend has a baby and they’ve all made an effort with her/eachother. I’ve made it clear they’re welcome round whenever, i don’t drive and am still recovering so it’s difficult to me to get to them. maybe i’m overthinking i duno x

Do they live nearby? One of my best friends lives the other end of the country & hasn’t met my 13 month yet which I have no issue with, but if she lived locally I’d just pop round hers with baby.

@Lorna That’s completely understandable! They live around a 35/45 min drive away, i however don’t drive and would have to get a train there with a baby whilst i’m recovering is not doable whereas they all drive x

Rude!! My best friends were similar (neither have or want kids) & it’s so upsetting isn’t it. You could try asking them over & if it doesn’t happen at least you’ll know how they feel. I’m so sorry girl! I’m also at the cba stage 🙃

@Sophie oh ur joking i’m so sorry! I’m in two minds cos part of me is like do i ask but then another part is like i’m not essentially begging or asking you countless times to meet my child, if you wanted too that much you would you know what i mean?😂i don’t blame you! You get to the point where you’re like NOPE xx

I get it!! Probably now I’d think the same tbh, sod them 🤣 you do whatever makes you happy! X

@Sophie 100%!! and you girly x

People need to realize that things are gonna be different and if they really cared they would make an effort

Have you invited them over? It’s hard for people to know the protocol. You hear some people annoyed that people want to come over too soon and some annoyed that people aren’t keen enough. And anyone who doesn’t have kids may not even realize how not ok you might be and that they should check in

@Harley Simmons 100%

@Jessica i have! Whether the fact i live a 45 min drive isn’t good for them i’m unsure. They know i’m struggling to some extent as we have a group chat but they don’t ask how i am, i think i’m just going to leave it, if they come they come if they don’t they don’t. Their loss

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