Pregnancy is a protected characteristic, but if you were early on, especially in the first trimester, you are well within rights not to disclose, especially as anything can happen. I didn't even know until I was 11 weeks. Honestly, just say you did not know for sure, and it was not confirmed until the scan, which was whatever date afterwards.
You don’t have to legally tell your work you are pregnant until 15 weeks before your due date. Please get union representation - as long you’re not putting anyone at risk at don’t see what their issue is? Good luck mama x
You don't legally have to tell them in the UK until your 25 weeks I believe. Seek legal advice
I didn't know i was pregnant until I was 12 weeks, personally I'd just say you didn't know x
That is ridiculous, you don’t owe them anything. Go on sick for the rest of your pregnancy. Pregnancy is a protected characteristic and if they try anything.. sue them 😅👍
Just say you didn't know when you did the training and then found out a few days later.
I work in healthcare both community/ acute/ surgery… i didnt tell anyone until 24 weeks… as I was high risk to miscarriage.. i remember i was i think 12 weeks and i was operating and i felt dizzy had to sit down.. and my consultant asked me “ are you pregnant?” And I said “ no”… you have the right not to disclose it until 24 weeks
So the only thing I can think is they suspect you’re pregnant and are in a job which is hazardous enough for them to be concerned with following h&s measures? OR you’ve bluffed on something else which to them is more harmful and that’s why you’re being investigated? They don’t have a right to ask you whether you are or aren’t pregnant HOWEVER they may well have their suspicions and want to cover themselves as early as possible. For example if something terrible happened between your taking the questionnaire and you announcing your pregnancy are they now liable etc. that’s the only thing I can think of.
@Lizzie so I told them I was pregnant after my first scan. They asked me if I was pregnant on the course I said I was but didn’t feel ready to tell people. I have had a lot of miscarriages and hadn’t even told my family. She was visibly annoyed about my pregnancy as it’s an inconvenience to my team and does limit some of the work I can do. I apologised and she said well this day just keeps getting worse and worse. Then next time i saw her in work she pulled me into the office and she said there will be an investigation into me lying on the training course. And also said I have to move to a different team in a different location 50 minutes away or I have to reduce down to ‘bank hours’ meaning I won’t be full time but just the back up if someone is off ill ect. I have sent my choice in an email to her obviously I want to keep my full time hours even if it means the bigger commute and asked about the investigation. And she hasn’t replied I’m wondering if there is even an investigation
@Shannon love this 😂 definitely what I feel like doing now
@Lizzie *I said I wasn’t when they asked on the course. This was before we did a physical element of the course. And has to fill a health and safety form. It waant actually physical at all, I’m still practicing yoga and doing my horses ect and I decided if the physical stuff felt at all strenuous I would say I have a bad back and step out. It definitely did not feel at all strenuous for me. Far less strenuous than my daily exercise routine with mucking out horses ect. And I felt like this was my decision to make about my body 🤷♀️
@Anon sounds like she was having a bit of a day maybe and the news wasn’t ideal for her. She might’ve just said there was an investigation out of frustration. Totally ask her what exactly they’re investigating as she won’t have a leg to stand on by the sounds of it. Also changing your role/commute doesn’t sound completely above board unless it’s in your policy hand book that pregnant workers are required to take on less strenuous tasks and that it could mean a change in role/working environment (but this should be stated in your contract/policy exclusively). If it’s not then you have a case against her for unfair treatment!!
Definitely sounds like’s unfair treatment. Do not go on bank as they legally won’t have to give you work and then it could impact your maternity pay. What job do you do? Why do you have to move teams? I would go directly to HR and have a meeting because changing your role and hours and implying you’re under investigation is not ok. I don’t know the job you’re in but I definitely would be consulting HR before making changes to your job!
And if HR imply this is above board behaviour then I’d be informing them you’re going to get a representative due to unfair treatment in the workplace due to pregnancy. I’d contact Maternity Action and seek advice
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Contact Pregnant then Screwed, this all sounds super suspicious from your company, or like they’re trying to make your life hassle so you resign. Contact your union if you have one too ❤️
Just say you didn’t know you were pregnant at the time