First section I got into mummy and baby yoga at 6 weeks pp and slowly back into running around 8 weeks. By 4m pp I was running races again. Second section I am only just starting to do workouts, not because I couldn’t but I just haven’t bothered. I’d recommend getting your posture seen to and a massage to iron out the kinks. Made a huge difference as we hunched over in pregnancy and now carrying and feeding babies xx
I went back to gym 6 weeks pp after my c section, started with weight lifting light weights and built my way up . Now 8m pp I do everything I once used to do before pregnancy, definitely eased me way back, didn’t do any core Workouts for a few months
I’ve had 2 c-sections and Im 6 weeks pp tomorrow. I’m nervous to do any exercise just yet as I opened my wound a few weeks ago due to over doing it. I will probably start with walking and slowly work my way back to the gym as my over hang now is awful and embarrassing 😳 I hate being naked in front of my husband now. I have 2 beautiful children but I absolutely hate my body.
@Sarah thank you ! do you have any recommendations for massages? Are you based in London .
@Sindi I hope to do this too! I need to get back in to some form of exercise for my sanity
@Kerri take it easy, my wound had a superficial dehiscence too. Quite frustrating ! How did you manage the wound ? I know how you feel, I don’t recognise my body anymore . I know we have given birth, but I simply can’t embrace the new body instead I am mourning my pre pregnancy body. I hope so make some progress by exercising and for the endorphins to make me happy. We got this x
@incogIt’s very frustrating feeling this way but I guess a lot of women do! They told me to rest more but with 2 kids it’s impossible.. painkillers were my best friend 🤭 so with the over hang and stretch marks I’m pretty unhappy with my body and cry about it sometimes then I think to myself.. you just had a baby and to give it time. I hope you can find peace within yourself and learn to love yourself. We are bloody amazing 🤩
I use Lina at Neals Yard in London, Covent Garden. Went to her throughout my whole pregnancy, amazing Scottish lady who has the hands of an angel xx
I'm similar was doing yoga/strength training/swimming before and during pregnancy, I'm now doing lots of walks usually with baby in the carrier and doing bits of exercise usually a YouTube postnatal workout but I find it hard to know what to do/avoid and would prefer a programme to follow but also don't have lots of spare money to spend!