Keep all messages he has sent and once baby is born take him for child support and full custody. The messages will show how he has been acting and him telling you to do all that and him saying he doesn’t want anything to do with baby.
And then he gaslighting me . He called me a few days ago “oh I wanna check on my son “ but you just said all this other shit yesterday. I have him blocked and the no caller id calls are frequent. I don’t want to talk at all . Im high risk and don’t need no extra stress. But how you want a baby and all of a sudden don’t. But he has to answer for that because im keeping my son
Like @Megan said keep everything that he says. And if you're high risk, you're doing the right thing with blocking him. You don't need that kind of nonsense in a high risk condition. And narcissists always have answers
I’m so sorry you’re going through this at this time in life !!!!!
I love you guys for listening ❤️❤️
Of course! That's what we're here for 😊 I really hope that things get better for you 🙏
Do you hun! If he wants to be a child, let him. Don't let him pressure you into something you can't live with.