Nope, not open for discussion. He is a good dad but he has a demanding job and feels that he can’t give the time he wants to the children he has already because of work so why would he want more. His point is completely valid, it really is but this is going to be short lived. I feel like I support him in everything he wants to do and having a big family is something I’ve always wanted. Why I can’t I have that
How old are your 2 children? My husband is a bit like this, he envisioned a full on football team/army of children and then when we had our second he was like “NEVER AGAIN!” But he flip flops on the idea and our 2 are still very young (2 & 1) so I know we’re still very much in the early stages. Another factor is his age, he’s hit 40 since we had our second and is definitely feeling his age alongside his physically demanding full time job so I can totally see why he wouldn’t want ANOTHER baby right now but I know in a couple of years if we didn’t do it he’d regret it! I used to wonder why people left such massive age gaps but having 2 under 2 I totally get it! I myself want a good break from it all but I’m definitely not “done”!
I’m really sorry to hear that. Is he open to a discussion? Is he a good dad? If this is something you feel strongly about he should be open to it, a relationship is about compromise and putting your partners needs as the same priority as yours. However the advice I’ve been given is that going from 2 to 3 kids is a massive jump 😆