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Why do you think you have a hard time making friends?
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I have a hard time making friends because I’m not into sharing a 100% of my life with anyone besides my husband, I don’t like to gossip, ppl don’t like talking about GOD, don’t watch reality television besides relationship shows, don’t smoke or drink besides occasionally a glass of wine, I’m not into being on the phone 24/7, enjoy my own company not all the time though😂 …

@Zambas I’m the same way , I rather talk to god and my man only

I’m socially awkward lol

@Zambas, you're definitely the problem 🤣🤣 those are some of the reasons I don't have friends.

@Felicia, and people think I'm not approachable?

Because of my autism I find it hard to stay consistently in touch with people 😩

@Imaniece how are we supposed to make friends? 🤣

@Kerry, I think if you found friends who understood, you could all find a communication system that works for you both.

@savage my mom passing away in Feb 8 2023 . None of my friends was there . I dont care about making friends anymore and im getting older . I rather talk to god

@savage I love this idea. I do have 1 friend that has adhd and she is the same way. It really helps

@Imaniece, im sorry to hear that. I will say pray about it. This world is so big, and we were not meant to walk alone. Some positives came out of that moment. You lost your mom and didn't have anyone to turn to but God💜. If those people had been there, they would've been a distraction from what God wanted from you. They weren't there because they weren't supposed to be there. I bet your faith is more vigorous, your relationship with God is strong, and your spirit man is sensitive to his voice. You gained so much during the most vulnerable time in your life, and God couldn't allow those people in that season. Pray for your heart posture when it comes to friendship. Your sisters in Christ are waiting to walk life with you💜💜

@savage yes it’s really strong with god . I really appreciate it

@savage i would love have at least one friend i can talk to and vent to

@Imaniece you are softening up already 😍

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@savage I can sometimes lol 😂

I have social anxiety disorder so fear and anxiety are a big barrier for me to make friends. Getting the conversations going and small talk are hard for me. That’s why I do best with people that are easy to talk to.

I just don’t know what to say to ppl beyond small talk..and I’m even worse at small talk!! I’m a friendly outgoing person, but never even feel like I click with anyone in the way I’m looking for.

Everyone I seem to meet is the complete opposite from me so I think I just haven’t met anyone that I clash with yet.

My anxiety gets the best of me so I’m in constant “fear” of being rejected. If I don’t get a message back I’ll analyze myself so much that I’ll blame myself in some type of way. “Maybe I talk about myself too much” “maybe I said this wrong” “maybe I’m boring” “maybe they think I’m a bad mom”

Listen I know I'm the problem but it hard to make friends if u don't tell me to lower my mouth I have a dirty mouth an I don't have common sense most of the time it how I grew up I been an open book my whole life an I hardly don't judge but I can't be friends with most females as most annoy me I try my hardest to be friends but then they do something I ask them not to so I limit I have one best friend who had to move to Georgia bcuz of her hubby joined the army an moving to Germany she the only one who understands me an I can be myself with her Im trying my best to find someone but for now even when I try to they ghost me

Nobody is trustworthy & everyone is fake. My best friend is my mother and that’s how it’s been my whole life. Every once in awhile I’ve had ppl come n2 my life claiming to b my friend, you know “ride or die” they say, then they flip script & reveal their true self & remind me y I never bothered to keep friends bc they don’t exist.

I’m crying, I thought this was a message and I was like who tf asked you

@Julia 🤣🤣

@Kapp what way are you looking for?

@Vannessa rejection is something we all fear. You are not alone.

Yep exactly. Sometimes I see a post on here “wanna make friends! Msg me!” And she’ll get like 20 responses saying “I’ll msg you!!” And then a week later the exact same post from the exact same girl “who wants to talk? So lonely!” 👀. I’m thinking…what happened to the 20 or so girls that msg you last time? Obv they couldn’t keep up a convo. I make friends easily I have a couple hundred acquaintances lol. The keeping them, the keeping energy and the contact and the meetups dwindle down after a couple months and that’s what I find harder- keeping them. If energy is not reciprocated from the other side or they go quiet for a couple weeks. But meeting and making new friends is easy for me since I don’t have social anxiety. I always have friends every year but that doesn’t mean they’re the same ones from last year 😂 they come and go, who I’m spending more time with at that time of my life etc.

@savage ya know when you meet someone and you just click instantly, I want that. I want a friend I can talk to every single day, where the convos just flow naturally and I don’t have to think what to talk about, never get sick of each other, share everything about our lives, someone who gets my humor, someone to gossip with, someone to just laugh with, someone who is trustworthy, confident within themselves, optimistic, ambitious….the list is long. I feel like I got burned from my last close friendship so my expectations are very high now. Ppl say I’m too picky, but I feel like I’m allowed to be.

I’ve had multiple conversations with girls on here. At first I started out with not having high hopes. As to I don’t drink or smoke. I figured it would be a downfall. Don’t let that fool you I won’t change who I am. And I knew it would be hard finding a friend. So as i said I came on here with no intentions. I hadn’t had friends since high school but unfortunately they all took a different path one I didn’t follow so we grew apart. The next morning I had messages on here and I was like a kid on Christmas. I was so excited. I think I remembered what having females to talk was like. It was so nice to talk to a girl about things instead of my husband all the time. I’ve always felt like I’ve been friendly and don’t really judge even though I don’t want some shitty friend who only wants to party. If that makes sense. Besides that we all have sh!t. I think I’ve always over analyzed what I’ve said on here. I will literally write someone a novel but get nothing on the other end. I honestly

was fine with just a texting friend. Someone I could share my life with mom thoughts with talk about what aggravates us etc. I also come with a lot of family trauma. My life wasn’t like others so I feel like some don’t relate to me on that. My mom was never around and my family hasn’t been the best support system. I think those scare people away. But I’ve been blessed with a great husband. This app made me realize so many of us are alone without friends. I wish I knew why it was so hard making friends. I truly believe there’s someone out there like me. I have found one friend off of here so far and we’ve talked everyday just about life. But I always have room for more friends! My last thought of why it may be hard is a lot are younger than I am. Being almost 33 either some are too old for me or too immature. Not that age really matters but some of these girls really show their age. lol I could never handle immaturity well. So maybe I am the problem lol

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@Kapp, yes, be picky! Don't allow just anyone to have access to you.

@Kellie, did you prioritize those friendships?

@Brittyk92 I don't have an issue with older women, its the younger women I can't get with. I would feel like an aunt or older sister, and Im not with that 🤣

@savage yeah of course, I’m out w a friend now as I type, we’re at the club 😂 it’s Friday night 9.59pm. Tmr I’m meeting mum friends at water theme park. What I’m saying is the same 6-7 girls I’m close to this year, isn’t the same 6-7 girls next year. 3 of them might stay, and another 3 will come into the group. But then the 3 that focused on things like being pregnant or starting a business and I didn’t get to see much, we get close to again the year after and I see them more then. Sometimes we don’t see each other for months but then click where we left off, depending if she’s in a busy season. They come and go. A friend I’m really close to for 3yrs I haven’t seen her much lately coz she’s in a new relationship it’s so hard to make plans w her coz she’s out w her new bf. And then if she breaks up, I see her every week again 😂 that’s what I mean Xx

@Kellie oh, i see what you mean. What's the temp?

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