Anxiety when partner goes away

I know this sounds really stupid and so many of you are parenting alone but this is the first night ive been alone with the baby (he's 6 months old) and I am almost frozen with anxiety. I rely on my partner heavily as I get such bad anxiety anyway. Has anyone else dealt with this fear? Or have any tips for dealing with it? Thanks!! Sorry it sounds so pathetic I know
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I feel you! Moved out of state away from family and my husband works out of town very often. Praying does help me for those nights. It’s not much but does bring me some relief. ❤️

Not dealt with anxiety personally, but if you have other people close to you or just online who you can reach out to even if it is just to feel connected or have someone to talk to, that really helped a friend or mine. She used to call me or another friend and we would sit on the phone, not even talking all the time, we were just present so she didn't feel alone and she was able to cope. It took time and eventually she was able to spend longer and longer by herself as long as she knew she had lifelines to use if needed. I hope you find what works for you.

Not pathetic at all!!! Completely understandable. You’re a first time mama and baby is still so little!! I’m a mum of 5 and I still feel lost when he’s not around 😅😅 you will be ok. I agree with @Jailene prayer always works wonders… wherever your partner is I’m sure he’s just a phone call away so call him whenever you need to. You got this! 💕🙏🏾

You’re not pathetic - you’re anxious. I’m a mental health OT. You are not your thoughts. On the off chance you need someone - have a go to person you can contact at any time & make sure your phone is charged 🫶🏽

I go and stay with my parents, not necessarily because of anxiety but it’s a long time to be on my own all day & night, so then I have some company.

What you're feeling is totally normal. I'm 6m PP and I still struggle with anxiety over being alone with my son, but it has been better! The more you do it, the easier it gets. I've been in therapy over it and if you struggle with the "what if" thoughts that are sticky and don't go away, those are indicators that those are anxiety thoughts and you have the opportunity to challenge those thoughts by speaking the truth. When you feel anxiety come up, remind yourself that you are safe. Allow every time that you are alone with him be a time where you teach yourself that you are okay and safe when you are alone with him. It's pretty much exposure therapy. Praying for you mama. Anxiety has to go!

@Charlie I was tempted to stay with my mum I just worry that a different bed/surroundings will make my terrible sleeper baby even worse 😂

It's not pathetic! ❣️❣️ I haven't dealt with the fear but I don't sleep well/right when my partner isn't here or working late hours. I don't have anxiety and I feel you! 😩 I'm sure you'll be fine. You're an amazing woman. If it makes you feel better, can you invite a family member or a girlfriend round for a sleep over? ❤️

I drop by a friends house or my sisters house when Hubby is not home for work or when he’s out w the boys. I like to visit other people rather than them coming to me but they drop by a lot too. My babies are pretty good at adapting. You’ll have to rely on your village when your main support isn’t there.

It doesn't sound pathetic at all! I get this way even before we had any children, he would have to go away for a few days for work and I would get separation anxiety 😫

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