Colostrum collection

After many unsuccessful attempts to express colostrum i have successfully done three 1ml syringes in the last 3 days! Im so glad I didn’t give up 🙏💪 My midwife provided me with 4 syringes in total, but as i still have over 2 weeks to my due date I would like to continue collecting. Im assuming that it’s okay to do to or is there any negative effects of continuing to hand express?
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All I would say is you don’t want an overstock as if you plan to breast feed you want baby latching asap

Absolutely fine to keep going Hun. Colostrum is liquid gold and can come in for things like illnesses so always good to have some in the freezer ☺️

You can always save the colostrum for down the road if your little one ever gets unwell and collecting won’t impact breastfeeding or latch. We had to top up our little one using syringes after he was born as he lost some of his birth weight and he has an amazing latch

@Lauren thank you, yes planning to breastfeed and won’t actually bring colostrum to the hospital as I definitely want to focus on getting milk going and ensuring baby is latching well! As Natasha suggested I would rather stock up for the future for when baby is ill or as my midwife suggested - as a dessert for the baby 😂 just wasn’t sure if there are any negatives (like higher chance of early labour or harder to produce milk unless hand expressing etc)

I’ve been stockpiling as I’m producing so much! I’ll be taking a few syringes to hospital with me too, just in case anything happens (emergency c-section etc) and I’m not able to feed her, husband can feed some of the colostrum.

It's taken me a week to get x3 1ml syringes - we've got this 🫶🏻

@Egle just a note that your breast milk actually changes to accommodate baby’s needs when ill. There are glands that back wash into the breast and learn what baby needs from the milk. It’s unbelievably clever. Colostrum is only required for initial feeds and while highly nutrition your magical breastmilk will do exactly the same for baby when unwell

@Lauren thank you! Yes have read a lot about this- isn’t it magical that our bodies are capable to read and react to what baby needs! I just don’t want to stop expressing as it feels wasteful not to, if it’s all working well. And somehow in my mind it feels like I should get my boobies into a production mode haha

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