my baby is 7 months and he started doing this at 6 months and it was only when he was interested in what i was doing! he doesn’t do it frequently at all but i did notice it seemed like a new skill. i wouldn’t worry as much about it being something negative unless you start noticing other more concerning things. but as far as i know they are just learning and interested!
Hi @Melody, thank you for sharing it. If your little one is experiencing the same thing, it makes me feel better knowing our babies might be okay. Sometimes Dr. Google can be a bit too dramatic, so I'm just trying to get to the bottom of it.
Tortícolis is more than a head tilt, it's like a whole neck thing-all the time. Just like all the other things you listed-head tilt is one of multiple signs. If they do it on occasion and seem to control it then they are fine
My girl will do this but then her body will fall with whatever way she tilts I’m pretty sure she’s fine
My girl does this when she’s looking at stuff so I have been thinking she has trouble seeing. Which wouldn’t be shocking bc both me and my husband (and our families) have terrible eye sight
He is so gorgeous. God bless him
Oh my you are now scaring me with this post! My gal is 8 months & doing this I thought it’s normal too.