IVF Timeline

How long was the whole IVF process for you from start to finish? My fertility doctor told me around 3 months once we get started next cycle with priming my body but the total amount of time can vary on certain factors so I’m just looking for personal experiences.
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Mine was 13 months for my 1st pregnancy, but that was because I had to find a suitable donor, and my first transfer didn't take!

I had my first consultation at the end of May and got my positive beta on December 23rd. It took us that long because we did 4 egg retrievals, back to back. We took 1 cycle off between the 2nd and 3rd retrievals to regroup and make changes. Our first FET worked and I'm now holding my almost 7 month old daughter. 3 months seems accurate if everything goes well. Good luck ✨️

Honestly, it varies so much. I’m in the uk, had my first nhs consultation January 2024. First private fertility consultation July 2024. Stims cycle September, egg retrieval October 2024, and still waiting to have a transfer… x

Im in the US. Well my clinic only does a certain amount of IVF cycles a month so it took longer for me. I had my consult 8/28/24. Started birth control 9/19/24. Last pill was 10/21/24. Started injections 10/24/24. 10/27/24-had my lab appt. 10/29/24 had ultrasound. 11/5/24-egg retrieval had a freeze all cycle due to being at risk for OHSS. My december period started too early so instead of my FET (frozen embryo transfer) being 1/16/25, it was pushed to 2/11/25. Had FET on 2/11/25 and ended up finding out i was pregnant on 2/15/25.

I had my first consultation in January 2020, I finally had my miracle baby in April 2024!! We were told at our initial consultation that we ‘should’ have a baby by that time next year! I’d take whatever time frame you’re given with a pinch of salt, yes they are experts in their field but they absolutely don’t and can’t know everything! Our ‘time’ used to really frustrate and upset me, I wish I hadn’t focused on it so much. My journey included COVID clinic closures, 1 round of IVF, severe OHSS, 7 frozen embryo transfers, 6 pregnancies which ended in miscarriages and 1 full term pregnancy of my baby girl 💗🌈

I’m in the US. Our dr recommended IVF beginning of July. Got all our blood work finished mid July. I think we got all consents signed in August. Started stims mid October and retrieval Oct 27. Transfer Jan 3. We had to sign the papers, take a class, and then wait for my cycle to start. I started birth control for 2-3 weeks then after a suppression check we could finally start stims.

We started retrieval meds in August, did our retrieval in September, did our first FET in November!

I started testing in October, did an egg retrieval in November, transferred in January. So about 3.5 months from start to finish

Consult May, egg retrieval July to August…then cycle after to check all was well/HSG test, then all the estrogen caused a gallbladder attack…had to get my gallbladder removed in November, wait 3 months, did FET in February…so depending on how you respond/what your body needs can take much longer than 3 months

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