Breastfeed before food or after at bedtime

Hello, just wondering what other mums do…. My son goes to sleep at 7pm every night, we do food at around 5/5.30pm then bath at 6 when we can and BF/sleep by 7. However I have been reading that you should breastfeed before food? Is that right? 🤯
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How old is your little one?

8 months

Never knew this! I always breastfeed before bed

@Hannah same! And I worry I’m doing something wrong

@ALICE it’s difficult when you read things like that as it definitely makes you question every decision you make lol! Are you finding the feeding before bed is working for you?x

Last few nights he has been waking every 2/3 hrs. He goes down at 7pm no problem but them wakes around 11pm and then from then it’s every 2/3hrs. It could be teething but I feel I have been saying that for months and still no teeth. So I wonder if it’s the food/BF that is making him wake in the night. I just have always assumed you feed them food and then BF before sleep.

I've never heard that. With my first always had dinner and then bf at bedtime. I was always told it's important to have 2 hours between food (not milk) and bedtime. We always did dinner between 4/5 and still now by 5:30 and he has a 7:30 bedtime (he's 4)

I think it means throughout the day.. e.g bf before lunch, before breakfast etc because until they are 1 their main source of nutrition should be the breastmilk, and its richer than any food they have. So lets say they have lunch and will have milk afterwards, they would be full and wouldn’t have as much milk as if they had before lunch. We have pretty much same routine: dinner at 5, bath around 6:20 and bedtime at 7pm and I breastfeed before bedtime as well

We have dinner (food) at 5 and then BF to sleep at 7 half 7.

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