Girl I have tv on all day ad it's just me. Usually it's things like big bang theory or how I met your mother. We walk the dog for 2-4 hours a day and she only watches Bluey if anything at all. I can't stand a quiet house so there's always something on like music, radio or tv. She's not bothered by it and is excelling in her milestones. When my garden isn't so muddy we'll be out there getting covered in everything and lots of messy play and doggy play. It doesn't make you a bad mum at all. People pile a lot of fake things onto the Internet and tv is only bad if you what's called tv babysitting. Which is where you leave the tv on, ignore baby and let them be engrossed 24/7. I'd say until they are more aware of the tv as a thing leave it on for your sanity. Once the tv becomes the only thing he's interested in change the background noise to music or the radio so then you still have that stimulation but without the visuals. You're doing a great job Mama
I’m an occupational therapist and see nothing wrong with tv in moderation. It’s passive occupation. We as occupational beings do not have to be “on the go” all the time. We also need to rest and reset. I put the tv on for night garden but she’s only watching it if sat having her bottle in her chair. She ignores the TV a lot of the time. I’ve had the tv on a lot today as the Glasto line up came out so she’s been dancing to Kaiser Chiefs and Franz Ferdinand 😅
Thank you for the reassurance ladies!! I try to leave it on CBeebies just because I think some of it can be educational! But as I said it’s on and he just goes round his playpen and mostly ignores it unless it’s something he really really likes. To be honest there’s some of the shows I actually enjoy 😂😂😂 I don’t have the time to sit and watch my own shows so CBeebies is just easier. But we normally do go out a walk and play with each other and when he’s in his walker he just goes mad round the house and doesn’t acknowledge the tv lol
I’m the exact same. I’ve started just putting music on she loves dancing so it keeps her happy and I get to have a little party😂sometimes we have to put on nursery rhymes thru the speaker when she’s being a bit miserable but we just sing and dance together and I got used to it😂I also just talk to her nonstop actual rubbish just to talk to someone so I’m not feeling alone and she just looks at me like I’m crazy😂
I have a almost 4 year old too and I’m a SAHM and from him being born I had the tele on for background noise despite me not actually been bothered about it myself and my 4 year old is incredibly intelligent and imaginative and he barely paid or pays attention to it then or now my April baby has obviously grown up the same and is the same he glances ever now and then but isn’t interested he walked from 9 months and was ahead with all his milestones I think if you make things a treat kids think they need or want it more as it’s forbidden fruit x
I'm the exact same but we do tv on moderation. My girl doesn't cry either when I turn it off. She's been hitting all milestones too so don't feel too guilty mama
TV is on pretty much all day, most of the day it’s just background noise and usually friends reruns. In the evening when I cook dinner, I’ll put Bluey on but she “watches” for about 5 mins and then carries on playing
No it doesn’t make you terrible. It’s nice to see other people be honest about it. I’m exactly the same. Baby lovessssss miss rachel. She drives me insane (ms Rachel not my baby lol) so I keep that to a minimum but I’m sure it helped her with clapping and waving x
@Emily kids shows that drive us both nuts have been banned in our house ms Rachel and pepper pig being the main ones. I can't think of anything worse than pepper pig being on in the background of my cooking dinner
Aw ladies you have all been so so supportive thank you all so much ❤️❤️❤️
Tv is on all time at home as don’t like no noise. Baby will also watch miss Rachel in moderation which taught her how to clap and play peekaboo we also use it as part of our bedtime routine watching low stimulation lullabies and bed times stories on YouTube. As long as you’re not actively sitting baby in front of it all day it really doesn’t matter.
I’m the same actually!! I didn’t give any screen time at all until recent but only very monitored still as i do notice a chance in behaviour but again she’s not so interested in the TV or cries for it. She’s bit all her milestones too! You’re doing great, keep doing you and what’s right for you and your baby x