Ebf, sleep, night routine, nap routine please help

Mums that feed yo sleep and have a bed time routine that works well for you please share, I want to get into a proper routine as much as possible with an EBF baby. Lol. Tips on naps/nap times too would be so grateful- xo desperate mum 😅
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I do bath, bottle then bed. Bath time around 7:45, bottle at 8 then bed after that she wakes about 30 mins after for some boob then goes down for the night. Wakes every 3 hours for a 10 min boob top up. Try and keep bedtime consistent every day :)

@Asha I can’t bath her every night sadly, we used to and she loved it but she has excema so we do every few days now x

@Asha she also doesn’t take a bottle 🫠🫠🫠

I'm in the same boat, LO doesn't take a bottle or dummy. We are on 3 naps a day, 8 am wake up nap 1 @ 10:00 nap 2 @ 1:30 nap 3 @ 5 ish and an 8pm bedtime. We do a nap routine of laying his stuffies down to nap, sleep sack, turning on the white noise together and then close the lights together and feed to sleep. Bedtime routine is similar but add a book.

@Ellie no worries i know bathing a baby everyday isn't practical, maybe a bit of gentle wind down time, a story etc? I think its less about the bath and more finding ways to introduce that sleep is coming soon. I only introduced a bottle for bedtime when I was really unwell shortly after I had my LO and I needed a small break from feeding and it became a thing 😅 you're doing amazing! Is she struggling to go to sleep or sleep for longer stretches?

I tend to do BF 5pm, dinner around 6 and then start heading to bed around 7 where if it’s not bath time we do bum change and pjs on, put lullabies on with her noise machine and then another BF to sleep or if she’s not really hungry she’ll go to sleep snuggled in with her dummy. She doesn’t sleep through though (still tends to feed every 3-4 hours). We don’t have set nap routines but we try to stick to wake windows and watch for her sleepy cues. 1st nap I try do in bed unless we’re out and 2nd/3rd tend to be a pram nap & contact nap. I got sent a sleep consultant details so if she catnaps I aim to save the nap within 20mins of waking! Message for more info if you want x

For naps at home we go into his room, put the red light and the big light on. Bum change if needed and into sleeping bag. Sit together to read a book, get up and turn the big light off and put the sound machine on. BF to sleep and turn the red light off as he’s feeding. First nap is generally at home. Middle Nap will tend to be on the move. And last nap I try to do in his cot as well with the routine and will rescue it with a contact nap if he needs a bit more sleep. For bedtime we finish dinner and put the disco lights on while we clean up. Then dad reads him a book downstairs. We then come upstairs and have a bath, put pj’s and sleepsuit on while singing twinkle twinkle. Feed with the red light on to make sure he gets a full feed, then turn it off as he’s falling to sleep. Still wakes anywhere from 2-5 times a night for more food 🤷‍♀️

My LO is EBF she has a nap at roughly 9:30am and 12:30pm, last couple of days she has dropped the 4pm nap and bedtime is 7pm. Naps are sometimes on the move so times can vary and I need some flexibility for my other kiddies. For naps at home I use a blanket and for night a sleeping bag. Regarding bedtime I kind of think a lot of it is getting their body clock set to go to bed at the same time each night, I have four kids so can’t spend long getting baby ready but she doesn’t need it, I take her to her room at the same time each night she knows that feed means sleep time. With all my babies I have avoided white noise and special lights as I feel in the long run they will be better sleepers if they get used to sleeping in a natural environment which seems to work as my older ones have all been good sleepers, so I am sticking to keeping it simple to avoid a sensitive sleeper hopefully🤞

@Ellie We tried all sorts of bottles for our little one but had a recommendation to try Lansinoh bottles & finally she latched straight away. Maybe worth one last shot at another bottle 🫠 It’s been a huge relief for me! Xx

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