@Emily I gave him one that he doesn’t use and he dropped that then went for the one in his mouth 🥴 like boy, you’re doing it to yourself. Please just take your nap and stop throwing it. I’ll try something in both hands and see if that’ll work. He uses his hand to suck on when he’s awake. I wish he’d just do that if he throws it instead of crying but babies have no logical skills 🤣
You might need to wean the pacifier if it’s causing that much trouble
How old is baby? My son did this around the 3-4 month mark and now at 6m it’ll fall out his mouth while he’s asleep and usually if he wakes up for it when he turns his head it pops right back in! In the daytime he picks it up himseld so over time they do learn!
@Seana I only use it for sleep and if he cries when I’m out. I’ve tried weaning and it helped a little but not much. He’s just starting to figure out what his hands are for and likes to grab it. If I could keep his hands busy, it’d be fine but I get worried since “safe sleep” says nothing in the crib so I get nervous giving him anything.
@Gianna he’s 6 months. He’s been able to pop it back in a few times by himself, but he’s learning coordinate with his hands which has to do a lot with grabbing the pacifier and he’ll try to put it back in his mouth, he just misses the head or tosses it without meaning to then gets mad and cries.
During the day have him practice more with toys and the pacifier with learning coordination ! It takes time I understand your frustration
@Gianna do you have any videos or suggestions for coordination? I’ve tried a little but I’m still learning what to do as a FTM. Some things are easier than others to learn 😅
I know this feeling of grabbing the dummy and throwing it then crying for it back, story of my life 😹😹😹 tbh we haven’t really got a solution other than having 3 dummies in his cot so he can play with one and have one in his mouth the same time. My boy likes to just hold and really examine his dummy 😹😹xx