Play groups

So my girl is 8 months and I've never made it to a playgroup. I feel guilty about it but I've always prioritized our routine, her sleep and feeding over these things. How do you all manage it with naps etc!?
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Honestly, I don't. Haven't been to a single group either. Only swimming classes. LB has always had a feeding schedule. He was in the NICU, so he got into a schedule there and we just went with that. If I delay his food to go to a playgroup it will be a miserable time for all of us so I don't see the point. I was told to feed him at the classes/groups but that doesn't make sense either. Most of this stuff in my area is paid, so it doesn't make sense to pay for a 45 min session to be feeding LB for 20 mins.

I only go to free groups and have since he was 2 weeks old. If he feeds or sleeps through it doesn't matter. What matters is we get out and I get to chat with mums with similar age babies to check my sanity levels. The groups give me ideas of things to do with my lo, give me adults to talk to, advise from professionals and even free cake at one 🥰 His feeding and nap times change almost constantly. He's currently just dropped to 2 naps. You'll find free groups at churches, family hubs, community centres, libraries etc

I feel like these groups are more for parents so I wouldn’t feel guilty about not attending if you don’t want to. We go to a lot of groups nearby and he naps in the pram on the way (he would only nap in the pram until recently anyway). However now he’s in more of a routine with naps/ solid food we are spending more time at home

We go to a baby sensory group and it works with my lg’s nap timings she has her nap in the car on the way there and when there she doesn’t feed because she’s so distracted and loves it so much! She feeds before we go home and on the way home has her second nap of the day. Routine is important but I think socialising for both mum and baby is just as important

Some groups have selection of times so for example if your baby naps at 11 then go to the 12 one. I have to make some adjustments, naps 15 mins earlier etc. I also have strict schedule with feeding but I just work around it or feed during classes. I would still go just so that my lb has some kind of interaction with other babies and people. He's been going since 3 months and he's so social now.

It’s difficult but I just try and jiggle her wakeup time and therefore naps to make it work around the class so she will nap before hand. I try and go to classes that are on about 11am as I know she normally naps 9.30-10am and then she naps in the car on the way home as she’s normally tired from the class. I then try and get a long afternoon nap in. I feel like they’re good for both me and her to go to as I struggle being alone with her all day in the house (my partner works 12 hour days). But just do what is best for you and your LO, you don’t need to go to classes if you don’t want to 💕

To be honest I’m not a fan of baby groups I think there mainly for moms benefit rather than baby so don’t put pressure on yourself to go whatsoever if you don’t want too 🩷 xx

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