Having my waters broken

So I’ve come in for induction today and been told I don’t need the gel as I’m already 3cm-4cm so they will break my waters in the morning instead. Can anyone who experienced this tell me how it was for them? Was it painful? How was the Labour afterwards? I was induced previously but my waters didn’t go till just before I started pushing.
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I had mine broken and I don’t remember it hurting at all x just FLOODS of water 😂

I was induced and had my waters broken at 3cm, this really intensified my contractions and pain and I got the epidural straight after, went from 3cm to 10cm within 4 hours following waters being broken x

I had mine broken and I think it was just uncomfortable and maybe it hurt a little bit but then it was floods of water everywhere 😂 I was 9cm dilated at that point so I was in pain regardless.

I remember having my waters broken just felt strange, I was offered gas and air but managed just breathing through it. I don’t remember it being very painful, just weird! I didn’t realise that it’s not just one release of waters, I was constantly leaking waters for hours 🙈 Labouring without waters is supposedly more painful, but it was my first so I don’t know if it was more painful than if I still had waters!

Thanks all! Appreciate the comments 🫶🏼 nice to know what to expect. I’m hoping it’s slightly less painful than my pessary induction labour although that was still manageable with gas and air!

Best of luck OP and how exciting!! Baby will be here very soon!! 😍

No pain at all, slightly uncomfortable. But my labour came thick and fast after having mine broken

I was induced (with the gel) and got to 4cm when they broke my waters for me. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all and was like a “pop” and a bit of tension relief if I’m honest! Felt like you were wetting the bed 🤣

Why do they brake your waters? I have tried to look this up but all I can get get is to induce the labour, but if your already disliked then arnt you already in labour? I’m confused can anyone help me x

@T…. For me it was because I was 1 day overdue, but reduced movements so they wanted to induce me by pessary, but I wasn’t sure about it, so they checked and I was 3cm anyway so said let’s break your waters instead

i didnt feel them break the actual sac . i only felt them when they were digging around locating where to pop it and then of course the contractions that followed. i will say tho i still didnt progress so i had to be put on pitocin anyway and bc i developed chorioamnionitis after i got a csection anyway. not trying to cause fear but try to keep an open mind on expectations and if u feel bad or unusual in any way at all do speak up bc u know ur body best.

its alittle uncomfortable but i did have gas and air but just remember youll have a gush of water and afterwards u feel like your constantly peeing yourself

Thanks for the comments all! In the end my waters when spontaneously and I gave birth to my girl in 2 pushes 😅 last baby for me I think as I don’t think I could handle a quicker birth

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