What’s our restaurant with a baby etiquette everyone?

Clean food drops under high chairs or not? Wipe the high chair and table after your messy eater? Ask a metal/plastic plate for your LO or carry your own? Or just go with a normal plate and hope for the best? Carrying your own water bottle or use a glass in a restaurant? Our son is normally well behaved in a restaurant, but mess is unavoidable, we always feel bad and end up spending 5-10 minutes before we leave wiping the floor and high chair with wet wipes. Just wondered what’s everyone’s feeling about eating out etiquette with 10-11 months old ? And moving forward. I guess toddler won’t be any easier!
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Clean majority of food up but most of the time it’s easier for them to clean with a dustpan. Maybe a wipe the chair with a wipe or tissue but again they are going to clean the table anyway so I’m not going to panic over everything. I use a normal plate from them and ask for a teaspoon sometimes to help feed and never had an issue with my nearly 3 year old ☺️

As a former restaurant worker, I will ALWAYS pick the food off the floor, stack plates, and put anything in can into the bin - don't stack the plates if you don't know how to do it properly, you'd be surprised how many people don't know how. I've now started putting a plate, bib, and water bottle into her bag when we go out because we rarely actually plan when we go out.

I spent 4/5 years in hospitality. We wiped down the highchair after every use but never had the time to sort out the floor. If you can grab the food off the floor and leave it on the table at least that saves us loads of work. Otherwise just do what you are comfortable with. If you want to use you own plates, cutlery, cup and water then do that. I won't worry about etiquette too much as babies are usually better behaved than kids in restaurants (from experience). No matter what restaurants will accommodate your/your babies needs

I went to a local cafe my daughter made a mess on the floor I asked if I can use a brush to sweep the mess up staff said don’t worry about it we will clean it so i cleaned as much of the mess as I could like table chair etc I used to work as a waitress

100% clean the floor after I’d never let anyone clear up after my baby that’s for sure, I wipe high chairs before and after every use I have an vital baby spray for wiping it makes it easier. As in drinks I take my own for them. It does get easier don’t worry 😂 they do eventually make less mess I never have to clear up after my 3 year old xx

Clean as much as you can. I don’t bring out a plate but I do bring her own fork and spoon and anything she can hold without making a major mess I just pass to her off of the plate it comes on. Always offer to clean up whatever you can my LG was eating a muffin and the lady came and swept around her and I apologised she then made more crumbs on the floor so I asked for the broom since she’d already done it once and ill always clear up anything I can x

As a restaurant manager we always clean up baby girls mess, nothing worse than picking up bits off half chewed baby food off the floor😭🤣 and high chairs are wiped down after every use but we still always wipe hers down when we go out with the Milton wipes and give it a wipe after if it’s really messy. We take our own water for her and bring a suction plate so avoid anything getting smashed etc xx

I carry Milton wipes and wipe table and highchair quickly when we get there and before we leave. At the moment my son isn’t having his own plate because he throws food when there’s too much in front of him and his mouth is full so I just pass him bits when he’s ready. Usually I ask for a side plate so I can cut bits up. I always pick the bits up off the floor. I use a glass for water or a sippy cup if I remember to pack I’ve but my son likes to drink from a glass. I hold it though.

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