@Jaylean yes there was a point it did make me feel but quisy but that did not last long.
I stopped vaping for the most part but used nicotine pouches. I couldn't stop using the nicotine period, though. I did vape on and off through pregnancy as well. My Dr just told me to try and slowly wean myself off of it. So if smoke 50mg nicotine go down to 25 etc till finally you're at zero. I tried that, and it worked for vaping, but I couldn't stop using nicotine
Speak with your midwife at your booking appointment or the go if you want support sooner. A lot of stop smoking services now support vapers too
Try nicotine free ones and flavours that you don’t like. Honestly it helped me to really cut down. I did still vape on and off throughout my pregnancy. But speak with your dr. They aren’t judgemental and just want to be able to help you.
Buy a vape that has 0 nicotine. Hit off of that when you feel the urge to vape and when you start to feel your withdrawal take a hit off the actual vape. I was able to quit both pregnancies with only a month tops of weaning. The urge to breathe in flavored air is the worst and honestly I feel it throughout my whole pregancy. But it's better to do it without nicotine then with. And when your ready you can try Quiting the non nicotine vape as well.
i was the exact way when i was pregnant. my nausea got to the point though that even the smell of my fiancés vape would make me hurl so i guess i had it lucky, but i definitely wanted it again after the nausea when away. you just gotta stick to quitting once you already quit. but as for quitting to begin with, no offense but i hope you get some nausea soon so it helps cause im pretty sure that was the only way i was able to quit 😅