Seen this too when looking¤cy=GBP&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADnvUsFS_F9wMfuQUOLQMM6an_39H&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIotTZ2sL2iwMVnZtQBh0Z6wyCEAQYBCABEgIDIvD_BwE
@Jess just scares me having a newborn world facing 😂😩😩I saw home bargains had a similar one for £100 not too long ago to xx
Have you looked second hand. A lot of the stroller type say suitable for newborn but they’re really not secure enough when you get the baby in them
@Evie j don’t even like my 2 year old forward facing so I get it completely!
We've gone for the mountain buggy duet. Side by side. Newborn bassinet parent facing. Narrow enough to fit through doorways. It's really lightweight for a double and easy to manoeuvre x
Bugaboo Donkeys are worth it! There always seem to be some on Facebook Marketplace. I like that you can have them both facing you, both world facing and can easily be converted to a single if need be.
Mountain buggy duet or out n about nipper. Both fit through normal doors, worth looking to pick one up second hand for sure
@Jess we’ve used this from when my little one was 6 weeks old.. I get that people don’t like forward facing but it’s got a see through bit when you pull a part of the hood up so you can see them x
We’ve just got the Ickle Bubba Venus Prime as they come with the newborn cocoon that can parent and world face and is completely newborn safe. A fraction of the price of the bugaboo (we would’ve also loved one but couldn’t justify paying that much!).
I’ve seen this and debated it- got a just 2 year old and 30 weeks now.