Hey mama! Looks normal me!! I have a 2.5 and 1.5 year old and they both went through a similar stage. My 1.5yo still does this sometimes though she’s growing out of it. When they get to be 6-9 months they level up with the amount of they’re able to move, and they start experimenting with their world in funny ways.
@Kestrel this truly makes me happy I’m a first time mom and and it just freaked me out a bit thank u
It is a way to self soothe, lots of babies do this…some adults do it too but it looks like tapping your fingers or singing the same 2 bars of a song or fidgeting with your keys. It doesn’t mean anything unless it’s severe.
@Bethany thank u so much
My daughter did this! She grew out of it. Doctor also told us she was soothing herself
normal. i worked with baby’s 6 months to a year and they all did this. idk what it is but it’s very normal behavior mama
My daughter did that too. She is 15 months now and still does it but her doctors also told us it was her self soothing herself