
Okay so I’ve had one medical labor and one unmedicated labor. I’m pregnant again and I am having the WORST anxiety over labor this go around. I literally had a dream last night that this baby just plopped right out of me without me feeling a thing and I was so relieved in the dream 😂 Idk why I’m more scared since I know what’s to come, or maybe that’s what’s scaring me because my brain does NOT forget like they say you’re supposed to. I almost feel like I’m not enjoying the pregnancy at all because I’m so scared to deliver. Ugh I wish I would get out of my own head.
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Aw, any feeling you have right now is so valid. I am having my 3rd as well, currently 16 weeks along so I resonate a bit. The only thing we really can do is accept that we can’t control certain things and hang on to faith -hope in the best outcome. I’ve had to accept that baby is in there now, & baby will come out one way or another 😅 I recommend just working to address your anxiety with daily stretches, breathing exercises or guided meditations for prenatal birth anxiety. There are plenty on YouTube. It’s been 5 years since my last baby and I’m finding out that I’m not as connected with my body because Ive been busy raising the little ones! Ultimately our bodies were made for this and know exactly what to do! Best of luck to you mama bear!!! We got this!!! 💪🏽😊

One c-section and I am also scared of going through it again but Mehn August is still far so I’m just focusing on now and trying to survive pregnancy symptoms

My son I went into labor early that they was able to stop but it made it where my body no longer wanted to go into labor so I was induced. I was in labor for 29 hours total and never made it past 8cm so I had to have a c-section. My one and only thing this time around is I do not want to do that again and I want a vbac and I’m so scared I’m not gonna be able to. I’ve already started talking to my ob’s about my fears and they have been really helpful so it might be something to do so they can help relieve some of your worries

@Megan inductions are the WORST! Once I got my induction for my first labor, it was all down hill from there. I am sending good vibes you’ll get to have a vbac ❤️

@Ashley so true on the anxiety! It’s something I definitely need to address… and soon haha

@Esther ugh so true! I swear it’s a new symptom every day

@Megan work on getting yourself into the right mental place for your VBAC mama. You can do it! My first pregnancy I never made it past 4 cm even in the hospital with pitocin, and needed a C-section. With my second I was able to labor outside of the hospital until 7 cm and have a successful VBAC. Good luck!

What’s specifically scaring or worrying you about your labor? Once you address the specific things that are blocking you from having a positive mindset it will help. Try writing them down on a piece of paper and ripping them up. Share your anxieties or worries specifically with your partner or support system, talking through it can help. Start your birthing affirmations. There are some on Spotify that I listened to throughout my pregnancies that were helpful.

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