With my second I was high risk, they wanted to induce me between 38 and 39 weeks but with how my first pregnancy ended I wanted to be induced as early as I possibly could, ended up meeting half way on the middle 😂🙈 but my anxiety got the better of me and I ended up being induced at 36 + 5 (ended up having an emergency section as she was breech) I’m currently pregnant again and will be having a c section at around 39 weeks xx
My induction was booked in for at 39 weeks because my little boy was very small. I went for my normal scan towards end of 35 weeks (coming to 36) they told me baby stopped growing and I needed to be induced on the day! I said absolutely not as I had just left midway through work. Thru reluctantly agreed but I just needed an extra day to get things sorted. Ended up having him at 36+1 via normal delivery. Pessary failed so I had the oxytocin drip. Took him three days to come out 😆
I’ve been induced via balloon with all 3 of mine, the first 2 came on their due dates I was induced 39+5. But my 3rd I was induced at 39 weeks. You usually get to choose from a few dates they give you, or atleast I did. But I suppose it all depends on why you’re being induced as to when they’ll do it