the dick is wayyy worse lmaooo, like at least with "eat da booty" it can still blend in with the other hearts full of words but the dick really sticks out 💀💀 it's funny but I'd also be so upset as the bride lol, but I feel like with certain guests you might expect jokes like that 😆 & agreed, ballpoint pen on wood feels criminal. I exclusively paint on wood and I'd lose my mind if someone gave me ballpoint pens instead 🤣
Dick is worse because dicks are unpleasant to look at
Can you link the post?
The dick is worse 😳 this feels like something my brother would have done 😂 in several of our wedding photos (he was a groomsman) he's doing the 👌🏻 sign (but upside down, like from that game of making people look). He's also know to hide middle fingers in nice family photos too 🙃😅
The dick isn’t necessary most people know that’s a big part of a marriage “eat da booty” is advice on how to make their marriage thrive! Whoever wrote this just wants the best for them 🥰
I saw this on Reddit too and I can't help but think it's fake because the handwriting is that of a bunch of middle schoolers
Agreed those pens are the biggest villain here 😂
I had one of them at my wedding. I don't see the problem personally 🤔
The penis don't even look like a penis......I think she has booty eating aversion😂
@Genna it very well could be fake! But I think the bad handwriting is more a result of ballpoint pen on wood. Plus most people don't have impressive handwriting lmao
I personally think both are halirious but ill say the dick is worse bc they drew hairs up the shaft🤣