We tried a diaper service w my first born. Poopy diapers weren’t too bad coming from a newborn, but Honestly disposable diapers are just way more convenient for me.
I have 2 under 2 and the amount of washing they go through is already a struggle! Not to mention me and my husband and then keeping on top of towels, bed sheets, oh and the 2 dogs that live downstairs so my cushion covers/blankets/throws etc I’m doing each week 😭 lucky if my washer gets a day off to be honest!
I really wanted to but ended up being too overwhelmed. Will hopefully try again next time
We've been cloth diapering full-time since my son was 6 weeks, now almost 4 months, and we absolutely love it! I can understand the convenience of disposable, but every time I changed a disposable diaper, all I could think was it was another diaper in the landfill, and it would make me feel so guilty.
@Jessica i recommend checking out the Clean Cloth Nappies group on Facebook they share amazing tips for making it as simple as possible!
I did whilst I was on maternity leave. When I went back to work it stopped working cos my partner wasn't really bothered about keeping it up so I'd come home and he'd used normal nappies. Then i found if I used them when I was off I wouldn't have enough soiled nappies to complete a proper wash. It was good whilst is lasted 🤣
Because I didn’t want to. That’s all 😅
We got a secondhand set but also bought a few new ones, and while I do still use them occasionally, the secondhand ones leaked a lot and they folded REALLY big, spread my kid's hips wider than I was comfortable with. Now that she's walking I just don't want her to learn to walk with a lot of bulk. The ones we bought new are ok but they just don't hold as much as the disposables.
I do cloth diaper so this post isn't for me, but I just want to comment and say that I love it! I am one of those mamas who get super excited talking about cloth diapers 🤣
Too much work and my husband 100% thinks its gross 😆 I have to stop him from tossing out soiled clothes
I can barely get things done now. Cloth diapers would add so much more stress. Coupled with my adhd, I’m terrified I would put it in the laundry room sink with every intention of washing it once I have time and completely forgetting
I do cloth diaper and we absolutely love it.
I do a mix. I try to use my reusables at home but they do tend to leak even when done up correctly. I use pampers for every day use. They've contained some epic! Poops. And I mean truly epic poops.
The cost is not just on the diapers/nappies themselves but also the cost of cleaning supplies and energy to run the washing machine - you can't "buy used" for those! We did cloth wipes and disposable diapers/nappies as a compromise.
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I wanted to but my husband wasn't sure and when my babies were born I wanted to get stuff but then I almost died so I didn't get a chance. Wanted to switch at some point but kept saying well we will have them potty trained soon.
Too much work, I can’t imagine adding any more washing than I already do 😅
I had trouble keeping up with washing without a child....
Huggies disposal nappies all the way. I have twins. I go through 100 nappies a week.
we cloth diapered and it was so convenient when we ran out of diapers and didn't feel like going out to buy any in that moment lol. the patterns and colors of the covers matched my sons outfits too, very cute era
Had every intention of using them before my baby was born, then he arrived and pooped at least 10x a day for 9 months😅 I realised there was no way I could face washing that many poopy diapers every day. By the time things settled down he was about to start daycare, so it seemed silly to switch when he'd have to be in disposables for day care anyway.