I haven’t experienced what you’re talking about contraction wise after the fact, which makes me wonder why I haven’t had them lol
Mine stopped about a week pp this time! I swear I don’t remember getting these after having my first! Some of them hurt sooooo bad 😅
@Lydia Lol omg lucky 😆 You don’t get that intense period-cramp feeling a few mins before a little blood comes out?! It’s not like a consistent 24/7 thing, it just comes and goes randomly throughout the day 😩
@Natalie Ahh okay good to know, I can handle a few more days as long as I know the end is near! I’ll be 4 days pp tomorrow 😅
@Abby nope sure don’t. That sounds disturbing 😂
@Lydia blah it sucks 😂 essentially feels like you’re on your period but man when one of those cramps hits it’ll have you thinking you’re in labor again! Lol I will say it’s working though, my uterus is shrinking down shockingly fast 😳
I'm 5 days pp and not having anymore for the last day or so. It sounds like I got lucky 😅 are you breastfeeding? I know the oxytocin release from BF and pumping stimulates them.
This was my second baby and it took till day 5 after birth🙃 literally are as painful as labor contractions
Update: Day 4 and I’ve only had some very minor cramping! Not like those big intense contraction cramps from the first couple days! Woohoo let’s hope this means they’re on their way out!!
I'm a week out and mine have mostly stopped. I had a c section. Not sure if that matters.