I have no tips to give. Just here to say it's very normal for babies to sleep only over mom or dad. My baby was contact napping till he turned about 10 months. Nothing could make him sleep elsewhere. So I decided to stop trying and enjoy the cuddle. It's not forever.
@Megan thank you so much for the advice!
@Aurélie I love this so much, you’re so right 😭 I was just cuddling her right now and I pictured it was 6 years into the future and that I would be missing this very moment. Thank you for your response 
Girl… it will end but I have no advice for this because I was there too. Stuck under the sleeping baby and couldn’t move, she would wake up if I did. Some tips I do have, try very slowly putting her down and you can even use a heating pad on surface where you are going to lay her so it’s not cold (one reason they wake up) hand on tummy and gently rock if she startles. I have recently found though that I can nurse in bed and she will stay asleep (she’s now 9 months though)
I started using the boba bliss baby carrier for day naps. It’s been amazing. My little one falls asleep in about 30 seconds and now that I’m comfortable in it I can do everything I need around the house 🩵
@Ashley we use the same carrier and it definitely ended up being her daytime nap space a lot. I love that wrap!
I was in the same place (and still am a bit but we are making progress). I started wrapping her in her swaddle for naps too. My doctor recommended the Ollie swaddle. It is expensive but damn it made a huge difference for us. We use the Ollie for all naps and bedtime. I also started laying her down for naps in her crib in a dark room with sound machine on instead of just in her bassinet. We are still working on laying her down awake and letting her fall asleep on her own. My husband did it successfully once so far. Baby girl is 9 weeks old now. Three weeks ago, she would only sleep on me or my husband but we are making progress. In summary, the things that were recommended to us that are working: Ollie swaddle, black out curtains, white noise, and paying closer attention to her sleepy cues and wake windows.