Defiant kid

My son has been getting in trouble lately and shows no remorse for it. Has anyone else dealt with that or have any advice? We are out of ideas on how to address it. For example, he took a balloon out of the prize drawer in class and when his teacher questioned him on it stating that was stealing, he acted like he didn't care and it was no big deal.
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My daughter did some similar things, punishments weren’t working either. I got her into therapy, it’s still new so not sure if it’s helping but I’m hopeful

Any big changes in the house?

Usually if u explain to him with empathy like how would that make u feel if someone took a prize from ur toy chest or something that can help my son went threw some emotional stuff n I was always met with it was his fault or he asked for it talking to him about how his actions toward others feels just like if someone did that to him if it was the other way around we also gave him the choice to talk with someone other then us like his school guidance counselor and then he also would accompany us to our therapy apps and talked with us and the therapist to see wat we could do together as a family to help him understand his actions and change them for the better hopes this helps I have 3 kids and a hole shlew of problems we have had to work out as first time parents and new things come up with each so if u have any questions or need more help I can try n help if I can but one thing I've learned with four kids is every child is different and not all the same things work but also repeat and stay firm and fallow thr

Honestly it sounds like he’s acting out for a reason. In my experience children act out to get attention and when they aren’t getting the attention they want they continue. Dig into the root cause whatever that may be. Phones, tv, work, someone in his life treating him that way.

@Reese he has 3 year old twin brothers and a 7m old little brother

@Brittnee I would say it’s the lack of attention. He’s acting out because he’s not getting individualized attention or the same or similar attention given to the baby or his twin. He’s still young, so you have time.

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