I am feeling like I just can’t wait for my ultrasound and I’m literally gonna close my eyes and hopeee with every bone I got that my baby is healthy so many miscarriages it takes a toll on you and I wake up everyday and I look through my camera roll and I’m just like this is the farthest I’ve ever been and I’m just happy but so hesitant mentally I feel alone a lot literally got told by a friend of mine “are you gonna abort it or keep it”and I just got disgusted by those words being and next week is my ultrasound and the dad isn’t in the life so some people say I’m selfish but I just can’t wait to find out the gender and make sure the baby is okay that’s all I want and I hope you’re ultrasound goes amazing love🫂❤️
I feel the same except for sparse moments of the day where I notice my shortness of breath. I have an intake appointment at 5 weeks and probably won’t get an ultrasound till 7-8 weeks.
@Mary totally get that! I go from 100% not believing it’s true to wanting to plan the nursery and get everything figured out asap 🤣 no in-between!
@Tierra sending you all good the good vibes!! you got this!! 💙💜
@Ashley thank you love sending you a lot more❤️❤️
I'm feeling fine so far, just some random exhaustion and feeling nervous thinking that two little ones is going to be a lot! Looking forward to the ultrasound so that it starts feeling a bit more real. 😊
Physically nothing crazy yet except some fatigue! Mentally still in shock 😂 doesn’t feel real for me yet