
Does anyone know what to expect when you get induced
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I was induced Dec 13th and had my baby on the 14th, first thing they did was put the balloon

I was induced after my water had been broken for over 24 hours. For me they set me up in a delivery room and had two monitors strapped onto my belly. Depending on what drug they use to induce it can be a oral drink taken I think every two hours or so or it's in an iv. I unfortunately had both and neither helped and ended up in Winnipeg and the drive gave me more contractions than anything else we tried haha

I was induced with my last and will be again this time. I went in sunday mid-day. Monday morning they put the balloon in to help open the cervix, thay fell out tuesday morning. Went down to labour suite tuesday afternoon/evening where they broke my waters, baby came Wednesday morning xx

I was induced with the gel. I had it put in at midnight and then was left to get some sleep. You’re supposed to have more put in every 6 hours but when I was checked at 6am, I was 5cm dilated and contractions were very frequent and painful. I ended up having an emergency section as baby was in distress, but i had been taken to the delivery suite just before the decision was made to take me to theatre instead, so things moved quickly!

I was induced with the hormone insert, started progressing quickly but they stopped it and slowed it down because they were short staffed and 6 spontaneous labours suddenly showed lol they started it again the following night with IV and had my daughter the next morning.

I had the gel also. It was put in almost as soon as I got there and within 30 mins it started my contractions so I never got any sleep! A few hrs later I asked for gas and air and got pethidine instead! It took 24hrs from that point to actually deliver him but I’m sure the pethidine slowed the process down

i started my induction on the tuesday midday had my baby on the thursday evening! i had the ballon, the little pill they inserted, then they had my waters broken, then had the hormone drip then baby boy finally. he did not want to come out!

I was almost 2 weeks late with my 1st, not showing a single sign of labor, so they induced me. Huge mistake. Started with an IV of pitocin, then later a balloon catheter, and manually broken water. One of those interventions meant I had to have a blood pressure cuff that woke me up every 5 minutes all night long. I wasn't allowed to eat anything even though it took 24 hours. So I went into labor with no food or sleep, exhausted, and got an epidural so I couldn't feel when to push. It didn't go well. Ask the hospital if you'll be allowed to eat. Many don't let you. If not, really stuff yourself as much as you can before you go! Bring something fun to do to distract yourself like a game or favorite book.

I went in Sunday morning had the balloon put in for 24 hours - didn't work, had 2 lots of gel - 12 hours and didn't work and then 10 hours on the drip which also didn't work so I ended up having a c section Tuesday evening. Was home Wednesday evening 🙂

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