Botox during pregnancy

DON’T COME FOR ME, I am booked in for my Botox this week and I am 31 weeks pregnant, has anybody else had it done while being pregnant? Bear in mind people this IS NOT ILLEGAL. My clinition is a trained nurse and is happy to go ahead with the procedure I am fully aware of risks I don’t want to hear about on this post I want to hear if people have done it while pregnant. It hasn’t been tested as it would be unethical to do so on pregnant women but there are no known risks to the foetus I used to get very bad migraines and they have recently come back as the Botox has wore off.
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But why? You cannot wait 2 more months? Does it make you feel better when you find someone like you who did it? Just to tell you "I did this and that and my baby is perfectly fine"... There are people taking hard drugs and drinking alcohol throughout their pregnancy. Does it make it less harmful for me or my baby if other people do it? No! I don't know. I just don't understand some people. Good luck for your baby.

Not coming for you, but why not wait? Why take any risk at all? Someone else might have had botox whilst pregnant & their body reacted well to it but you can't use that to judge if your body will react well to it too. I would be unbelievably heartbroken if I went through my pregnancy with a healthy baby & decided to do something like that & ended up harming or even k*lling my baby. Just think. Can't doctors prescribe something for the migraines until baby arrives?💕

I’m surprised a trained nurse would do this procedure. My friend is a nurse and she said she absolutely wouldn’t as there’s just so many potential risks.

You sure she’s a nurse? A good nurse would never agree to administer Botox to a pregnant woman 🙄 put your baby first, why risk it??

Tbh the risks are associated with the mother NOT the baby! You could have bruising or swelling due to the increased blood flow. You might have a reaction.. nobody knows how your body will react. There’s absolutely nothing that suggests it could harm your baby though!

@Kim thank you for your response this is what the medical professionals have relayed to me, I am trying to look online for Botulism cases related to this but there hasn’t been any reports it is considered a risk as it’s a toxin

It’s administered in such small doses too. I would consider waiting though as your metabolism will be much faster at the moment meaning it won’t last anywhere near as long, you will also start retaining water in your face now that you’re in the third trimester which will cause puffiness.

My friends a nurse and also does treatments such as Botox, she has said Absaloutly not for pregnant or breastfeeding women. It maybe worth seeing if there is some alternative treatment for your migraines whilst pregnant

Ew, just ew. I usually have my eyebrows tattooed, but put that off during pregnancy as my beautician wouldn't do it anyway!

@Emily @Naomi I’m just curious if your friends who’re nurses would however be happy to administer the Covid jab to pregnant / breastfeeding women which didn’t have the time to have the same role out programme?

Yeah, I can agree with your point. I personally wouldn’t take it. Whether the nurses would be happy to is a different thing to whether they have to due to their role requirements

You will NOT be covered by the insurance. No reputable aesthetician would administer aesthetics to a pregnant or breastfeeding person. Nurse or not. It is NOT ethical. It is gross. I will, and am, judging you. I don’t care whether you want that or not. I bet this “nurse” aesthetician won’t post about it on their socials. Because it is ethically wrong and invalidates their insurance. They should have their license revoked.

Whoever is happy to administer Botox to a pregnant person should definitely not be administering Botox 🥴

As if you’re comparing your vanity to a tested vaccine that has been deemed safe 🤚🏽 GTFOH.

I used to get botox for migraines but when I became pregnant my neurologist would no longer do it as the long term effects are unknown. I still don't have botox as I'm breastfeeding. If you're suffering with bad migraines I would recommend looking into "cold therapy". It definitely helps with mine.

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@Lauren thank you! ☺️

Also Botox is a prescription only medicine and no prescriber would approve it for a pregnant woman

I had filler done during the first weeks of pregnancy (when I didn’t have any idea I was pregnant) and my daughter is 2 now. But then again I had some alcohol during those weeks before I found out, I then gave it all up as soon as I found out. You’re so far into the pregnancy, maybe wait until after the baby is born as a treat to yourself? Plus labour and the first few weeks is so draining, it may ruin the work abit haha. I’d wait until after and know the work will last longer too as you’ve gone through the most stressful time if that makes sensex That’s what I’d personally do anyway :) x

Also it’s crazy to compare a neurotoxin to a vaccine 😂😂😂 Botulinum toxin is one of the most poisonous biological substances known. Neurotoxins can damage or disrupt the nervous system, while vaccines are substances that stimulate the immune system to protect against specific diseases, often by introducing a weakened or inactive version of a pathogen or its component

For the Americans on here, in the UK we have no laws against beauty treatments and who can administer them. So Sally who left school with no qualifications can do a quick online course which will give her the credentials to call herself a “qualified medical aesthetician” and be able to administer/buy Botox and all other injectables, do lip fillers etc. even though they have no medical training, no degree nothing! Of course there are proper clinics with doctors and nurses who also administer Botox etc, but as an example, one area of Botox may cost £300 whereas if you went to Sally’s house and she did it whilst she was cooking dinner for her kids, she would only charge you £50. Bad filler/Botox in the UK is an epidemic. Poor people want to get work done but can’t afford it so these shysters thrive. I’ll bet my house there’s no way a nurse, a proper nurse with a medical degree and training, would ever inject a pregnant woman.

She is a ‘proper nurse’ and and prescriber with a medical degree working for the NHS. Thank you so much for all your comments, well- the ones that have been helpful to me 😆

I needed botox injection for a medical reason, and I was struggling a lot physically, but I postponed it because I was pregnant, did not want to take a risk

If she is a “proper nurse” and works for the nhs you should be reporting her to be struck off! Not sure if you wanted us to say go for it but for the sake of a couple of months then just wait there is other alternatives for migranes why would you want to risk it?

Yes, you’re right, I shall do that! Thank you x

I hate having migraines, I have them all the time, have tried so many things, even botox for a year. If this is truly the reason you get the injections, I feel for you. However, there are absolutely risks associated with the injections, pregnant or not. And because there arent studies to show adverse issues, especially because it is likely not ethical to test it on a pregnant woman, I would not take the risk honey. You are so far along...try as many natural remedies as you can until that baby arrives, cold therapy on your head, warm compress on the back of neck. Tylenol in moderation if your doctor approves it and you absolutely need pain relief. Call your OBGYN and ask what they think about getting the botox, not the nurse willing to administer it. Also, I advise not comparing it to covid vaccine, although I absolutely do see your point regarding that specific vaccine, it is still not comparable to a toxin which has its own set of risks. If you plan on breastfeeding, I would hold off too.

I think if the NMC knew she was giving this to pregnant ladies then she wouldn’t be a nurse anymore. Do what you need to do but don’t just trust her because she is a nurse. I have worked with plenty of rogue registered nurses. This is something I would expect from someone who isn’t actually on the register. As someone else has pointed out it’s contraindicated in pregnancy so if she’s following prescribing guidelines like any sensible nurse prescriber then she wouldn’t be doing it. If she’s not a prescriber and getting a medic to prescribe then the 2 of them are failing you x

If your unsure about getting it while pregnant then I wouldn't. I feel like your more likely to get infections easier when pregnant and just not worth it for the baby. If it's for your migraines and nothing else then I totally understand as I get horrendous migraines so I feel your pain. Try speaking to your doctor to try help you with them while your pregnant and save the botox for once you've had baby you don't have long left now anyway 🙂

You should be ashamed of yourself thats absolutely disgusting doing that pregnant! You're child should come first not having botox! Can't you wait 9 weeks?????

Girl u best not get more Botox while ur breast feeding too that’s even more dangerous icl

EHHHH if you know there’s risks why the hell r u still going for it ????

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😂😂😂 am turning the comments off now thank you everyone 🥰😘

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