How do i survive a 2 week TDY with 2 toddlers and a baby?
I don't have a bustling support system. My mom raised 2 easy-going girls and shies away from helping me out with my 3 (including 3yo and 7mo boys). She adores my 5yo girl; but it bothers me how she's made that so obvious. For example, bringing gifts for her but not her brother. The only person eager to help at all has 4 kids of her own (ages 5m - 7y, all girls). My Air Force husband is leaving this morning for a 2 week TDY to Nellis, and I'm dreading the poopshow of being all on my own. My husband can calm down/discipline my tempestuous boy toddler more effectively because he's bigger, louder, and more intimidating than myself. We also have a bedtime routine that goes smoothly because he puts my daughter to bed (easy) while I take care of the boys. How do I assert dominance while being sweet so we all have a good time? By good time, i mean we do what we're supposed to do without getting mad at each other? I've been SO overwhelmed, I don't get much - if any- help while he IS here. But being literally on my own - yikes! Any suggestions (besides shop therapy)?
It’s hard to discipline kids without feeling mean about it. What worked for me when my son was small and even now at 8 years old is talking to him at eye level. Like get down to their level and look them directly in the eyes and calmly but firmly talk to him about whatever is the issue. Give time outs so they understand there are consequences. But with babies you’ve just got to try to let them be independent when they’re throwing a fit, use white noise to calm them down. My son loved hearing the water running to soothe him as a baby. Even the sound of a vacuum didn’t make him upset. I hope any of this helps you. Also listen to music with them, sing with them, dance with them. Try to just have a good day and not think about negative things if you can.