@Rita thank you! I do all of these things with her but it’s still so tricky to validate her because she automatically gets angry or annoyed if we can’t just move on from it. I think my main problem is getting her to face up to difficult things. She just says she can’t do it and wants to move on, she’s does this in other scenarios aswell like at the dark she won’t go on the climbing frame etc because she finds it tricky but her 2 year old sister loves to give things a go!
I’m MS/HS teacher so others may have better thoughts but I might try to steer away from having her think she’s “wrong” when correcting her. So if the two is backwards you could try saying “great! that’s the right shape, and this is the direction it likes to face” also having a reference available to look at when she’s working on it. So if she knows she struggles with that one, she has something to refer to. And then just throughout try making comments that are effort related “I can see you’re trying so hard” etc so that less pressure is felt to be correct