Sharing your scan

How soon after your 12 week scan did you start to share your news? How long do the downs/edwards/pataus screening results take to come back? Thank you 🥰
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I had my scan yesterday and she said the results should be back in 3-5 working days and that if there were any problems I would get a phone call, if the results were normal I’d get a letter in the post. I told my boss today but that’s as much as we’ve done so far! (Other than my mum who I told straight away) x

I had my dating scan 2 days ago and I received results via NHS app earlier today and should receive the paper version via post in a couple of days.

I had my scan on Monday and recieved the results yesterday on the app. I'm 14 weeks now so we are planning on announcing this weekend!

I had my scan yesterday and the results for the blood test was on my badger notes today!

I've my 12 week scan next Thursday. I'm going to tell everyone on Thursday as I'm struggling to hide bump. Xx

Took a week and a half for my downs/patan results to come back x

Results can take 7-10 days in the post but if something is wrong they call within a couple of days x

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