Baby wearing with an active newborn

Hi all! I have a five week old that I would love to baby wear! I have a wrap and a ring sling. In both, she moves and wiggles and extends her legs as much as she can until she works herself into funky positions or I start to feel like she’s not secure. She has been an extremely active baby from birth. Does anyone have experience trying to baby wear an active baby? Could it be an issue with how I’m setting up my wraps (entirely possible as I still feel clumsy when setting them up) or is there a different type of carrier better suited to a babe who won’t sit still? Thanks!!
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You would probably have better luck with a carrier that doesn't have as much adjustability. I have the infantino carrier and it holds the baby a lot more securely than my Moby wrap did. The wrap tends to need to be re adjusted and tightened often when baby was wiggling. I still love my ring sling for the days I need easy in and easy out. But the ring sling isn't as secure as the more rigid carriers are.

Very hard to say without pictures to check it out! I wouldn't recommend the infantino though as that's not the best carrier for the long term and doesn't offer the best positioning. If you do decide to look at a more structured carrier I recommend doing some research into ones that will last longer term.

I would be tempted by a 2 way stretchy so it can really mold about baby or looking for a buckle carrier that is for newborns. Lots of ones that say they are, really mean 3 months plus.

Hi! Speaking from my own personal experience- so maybe you are more experienced baby wearer than i was- but when I was new to wearing the stretchy wrap I had it on too loose. Posting a fit check on a babywearing group may help The stretchy wrap specifically needs to way higher than I initially thought The footsie pj's can trigger the standing reflex, are you using those?

Way tighter* sorry not higher

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