Very hard to say without pictures to check it out! I wouldn't recommend the infantino though as that's not the best carrier for the long term and doesn't offer the best positioning. If you do decide to look at a more structured carrier I recommend doing some research into ones that will last longer term.
I would be tempted by a 2 way stretchy so it can really mold about baby or looking for a buckle carrier that is for newborns. Lots of ones that say they are, really mean 3 months plus.
Hi! Speaking from my own personal experience- so maybe you are more experienced baby wearer than i was- but when I was new to wearing the stretchy wrap I had it on too loose. Posting a fit check on a babywearing group may help The stretchy wrap specifically needs to way higher than I initially thought The footsie pj's can trigger the standing reflex, are you using those?
Way tighter* sorry not higher
You would probably have better luck with a carrier that doesn't have as much adjustability. I have the infantino carrier and it holds the baby a lot more securely than my Moby wrap did. The wrap tends to need to be re adjusted and tightened often when baby was wiggling. I still love my ring sling for the days I need easy in and easy out. But the ring sling isn't as secure as the more rigid carriers are.