I am sorry your going through all of this as I am going through it as well! I have started to trh and stick to a routine with my daughter who is 10weeks old and that seems to help. We go upstairs around 7/8pm she gets a bottle and gets into pjs then we read a book and i put her sound machine on and her swaddle as she isnt rolling over yet and then she is asleep usually by 830/9 she slept for the first time in her bassinet the other night, but last night wanted to sleep with me so we follow the 7 safe sleep method for cosleeping. It will get better and trust me I get it im a single mother I dont get help often especially at night! I have barley slept the past few days but it does get better! I know they say try to sleep whenever she does which is easier said than done. I hope all goes welif you need to talk to someone please feel free to message me!
How old is baby? I'm the same 5.5 months. It's so hard. But it will pass. By summer time things will be different Hang in there xxx
This sucks...but she is a baby and waking every 2.5 hours and wanting to be on you is biologically normal, albeit exhausting for you. This stage will pass.
@Kiran she’s 7 months
Our LO woke 4-16 times a night until 19 months. Sleep deprivation is so hard. How is she in the day? Our LO is really good so I just tried to tell myself would I rather have a happy child that didn’t sleep, or a whingebag who did. Nothing in life is perfect. Try and see the positives and cut yourself some slack. You’ve got this ❤️
We did the Merlin’s magic sleep suit for a few months it would help her with the reflex in her sleep. Now she naps in a zipadee swaddle that keeps her arms from startling her. I don’t co sleep unless she wakes up in the middle of the night and won’t go back to sleep. At night she sleeps in her halo sleep sack
I'm sorry you're struggling! First, know that it's biologically normal for your baby to wake up and for her to want to sleep with you. You're not doing anything wrong! You sound like a good and capable mom who has been hurt by our messed up, unrealistic cultural expectations around infant sleep! For suggestions, you posted in the bedsharing group so how are you bedsharing now? I have found bedsharing to have absolutely saved my sleep but it sounds like it's not helping you? Maybe we can troubleshoot.
It’s hard, and it’s ok to vent. I found the book Precious Little Sleep to be helpful. There is a Facebook group by the same name and you can post your baby’s schedule there and get feedback from other parents as well as the author. I find it helpful to know what others are doing.
Thanks all for the advice! I have tried almost everything it seems and nothing works. I am most likely just gonna wait her out until her sleep cycles start to lengthen on their own. Im going to keep trying to get her off of me and onto the bed next to me too. Just some days are much rougher than others and today was a real rough one.
My wee girl is a terrible sleeper too! We have actually booked a sleep consultant to see if they can help as I find things too overwhelming while trying to help her sleep myself! I now feel bad cause she yawns all day long and is upset everytime she wakes up during night or naps. You can message me and I’ll let you know how the sleep consultant goes it starts in two weeks, we paid about £260. Hang in there 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
This sucks. How old is she? Maybe I can suggest some things depending on her age?