Warm jammies that cover the hands and feet or sleeping bags
I have a sleep bag from pure Earth collection which is really toasty and good for winter months but now I find it too warm, so depends how warm you like to be at night x My temperature is still through the roof so I’m sleeping in long pjs and a duvet cover x
I wear a tight cardigan (open) and keep a blanket and sheet tucked around my legs and up my back. I find that having the blanket against my back goes a long way to helping me feel warm. I also keep a pillow between my knees which seems to keep the heat in, too. Sometimes I wear a neckwarmer. If it's really cold, I have added fleece tights.
For the baby, he sleeps in a sleep sack with his arms free. I sleep in fuzzy long PJs and socks
I need to have the weight of a blanket on my legs or I physically can’t fall asleep so I will keep a blanket tight around my legs and then wear usually a button up nightgown or night shirt but keep it open mostly, but long sleeves. I’ve also tucked a pillow up Behind my back which helps me Stay warm but also helps give a little back support too.
I’ve always still had a duvet I couldn’t do it without! X
Robe. I wore my fluffy robe to sleep
PJs, duvet round my legs, and two jumpers and a scarf. I like to be warm!
If it's just you and babe, you can make it safe to use a duvet/blanket - I have them down by his feet and then bring it up over me. I know other people use sleeping bags or wear big fleecy pjs..