Im scheduled to get induced next Thursday too!! 💕💕 wishing you your ideal experience.
I’m scheduled to get induced Tuesday so I’m right there with you! My SIL got induced and her labor was very long and ended up with a c-section cause she couldn’t progress past 7 cm and baby wasn’t tolerating the contractions with the drip. Two other friends had inductions and they said it went great. Was long and tiring and painful but all went well. I think it just varies person to person. Good luck with yours!! You got this mama!
I got induced and it was a breeze ! It all depends if you want to go natural or not or medicated or not! A little uncomfortable. They’re going to insert a balloon in you, it’s like a catheter to break your water then they’ll give pitocin which starts the contractions / speeds up the contractions. Me personally induction contractions are painful lol