this is insane you need to kick them out. it’s one thing to help someone get on their feet, but it seems like they’re taking full advantage of your kindness.
That's how it feels. I have been taking her to food banks and giving them info for anything they may need help with, like quick ways to make money and free diapers wipes and clothes for baby and her. I even took her to a mommy coffee and toddler time.
Alot of times people will take your kindness for weakness. That’s great that you’re helping out but I’m not understanding why the husband showed up. The husband sounds incompetent being that he let his car get towed. She sounds ungrateful. If someone is letting you stay at their house, the least you can do is chores. That’s just common courtesy. It’s your house, you have every right to tell them to leave. I just hope they don’t make a big fuss about it. Im sure there is some type of homeless shelter in the area.
I agree! Totally!
Update: They left without incident, nor did they tell me that they were planning on leaving, which let's me know that there was an issue even though they denied it. Honestly, I'm glad to have my home back.
That’s great news.
They've been in my home for almost 2 weeks now.