@Courtney thank you for your advice! Will show some photos of how it looks now
It does look pretty superficial so I wouldn’t be overly concerned but I would definitely speak to a pharmacist at least, they’re amazing for things like this and can always signpost you further if they think it needs to be looked at more in-depth. But I’ve personally found our local pharmacist to be WAY more helpful than our GP😂 Accidents happen, try not to beat yourself up about it. The important thing is that she’s ok and healthy and if she hasn’t got a fever, any broken/charred skin or oozing, then I’d say she’d be ok. Pharmacist may provide something like Neosporin or Savlon or an infant approved gel (avoid creams or anything oil based, like Sudocrem, as oil retains heat). It may be that they just advise a loose dressing and fluids and rest etc but always best to be seen xx
My parents were pharmacists, they always said with burns to keep them under cold water for as long as possible as soon as it happens (preferably about 15 minutes but this will be difficult with a bubba). If it’s any bigger than a 50p then take them to a&e or contact 111 to be safe, that’s mainly for adults I believe so might be smaller for little ones. Savlon or brulidene is great for burns but talk to a pharmacist to confirm what’s available for babes x
Paediatric first aider here (as an EY teacher). Deffo take her to be seen. You never know how deep burns are from the surface and it’s just best to let someone check and go from there with these things. You can call 111 and go from there, or visit a pharmacist or your local walk in centre. The ‘Healthier Together’ app is also brilliant for paediatric ailments. If any blistering or fever then go to a&e. You will have to explain it to the doctor with it being a burn but these things DO happen and they shouldn’t question it. Don’t put anything on it, other than covering lengthways with clean cling film and then go from there xx